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Power is everything for us Campbells

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Power is everything for us Campbells. It was always the greatest thing of all time. That power came as our infamous assassin organization. THE SERPENTS.

But one day, the pride I was so obsessed with came to a halt. A sudden stop when I met my daughter, my lifeline, and then named her Sapphire Crystal Campbell.

It was the most amazing feeling I ever felt in the moment when her little feet and hands touched my finger and then I became something which even the fame wasn't able to give me all those years. I was a father of a baby girl. She was anything I could ask for, and my uttermost pride.

I vowed to protect her always...

But it shattered the moment when sapphire turned 21 and went to that fucking elite's ball held by the Aloysius family. Things would've been blissful still but in that stormy night everything slipped from my hands. Nothing was in my control and from then on, my sapphire became the pandora box of secrets. Those secrets could turn the whole world upside down if ever the Aloysius family got to know.

And my little girl just to protect her secrets became the unrivaled lady on the earth. The queen of blood. The leader of the serpents. THE GODDESS.

In a day, my little lady grew up with so many responsibilities I never myself prepared for but she just took it with such grace that no one can point on her faults.

With power comes great intellect and sapphire was the wisest of all I ever met.

A three-year span changed everything, but now I will not let the same man trample upon my daughter just the way he did on the elite's ball.

That day they placed her as a winning bet but today she would write a letter to the dead with their blood. Sapphire does want her revenge. Truth to be told, the anger is against that man. It will never be easy but I know that sapphire's pride was to never give up.

So, what if Ethan Aloysius is the master of darkness?
But I know this much that I haven't raised a coward but instead a villainess.

Though my knees got week the day I know she is... HIS OBSESSION. He has vowed to love and cherish. His psychotic behavior towards her worries me but even in this unfathomable situation, I know Sapphire shall attain her victory and especially on these people who bought her that night, shaming her innocence with their forbidden blood.

She is a slayer of life but human trafficking brought her demise. And it's none other than the same man who caused her this injury.

If he thinks he rules the world then he should also know who rules his heart.

He might be the king but she is the sovereign above him.

Sapphire... His obsession

And that's how they begin...


Would appreciate some beautiful comments on the first chapter.

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SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now