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The Stark building was bustling far faster than it had in years, dozens of employees rushing in and out, scientist rushing around the labs, conversations echoing down the hallways, and a dozen or so angry looking people standing around an oblong table. 

"Fury," Steve all but snaps, glaring at the man who simply raised a brow, motioning the original Avenger to continue on, "You authorized her to leave." 

A slow smirk crosses the darker skinned man before he stands fom his position at the head of the table, focusing on both the remaining Avengers and the newly re-established Academy Team. 

"I did no such thing, I told her that SHEILD supported her mission and would stand behind her, she was the one that decided to go back." 

"Without any of us?" Gabriel asks, looking like a kicked puppy as he looks at the table. 

"She left instructions on a serum that she had possibly created that would allow you all to time travel back, it was something that Tony and her came up with on her fourteenth birthday, but she's spent the past few years perfecting it." 

Owen looked around the table, meeting Axel's eyes, both of them noticing the missing other two members of their team. 

It had only been five hours since they all sat down and had the discussion on her plan, the discussion that had lead to her storming out. 

After everyone came into an agreeance on what they would be doing, on the fact that they would support her and do everything they could to keep her alive, they discussed and planned other outcomes and plans with the Avengers. Plans that they hoped they wouldn't need, but that they where making regardless. 

By the time all of them came out of the office room, they were met with hundreds of people throughout the entire building, working and bustling around. The building was alive again, like it had suddenly been revamped. And they had no idea why, until now. 

"So she called all the employees and had them come in to pick up where they left off?" Banner asks, looking out the glass windows that peered over the largest lab, "And I'm assuming that the scientists are here to aid in us going back?" 

Fury smiles, a full-blown smile, that has everyone in the room freezing and holding their breaths, whether it be in fear or awe none of them were sure, "She's going through with the plan regardless of the consequences. We all know that it will work, we just don't know the cost of it working. By tomorrow mid-day everyone should be back. She hoped, and prayed, that you would all come to agreeance with her and join her so she wouldn't feel so secluded. So yes, the scientists are finishing up her work." 

"How long with it take them?" Axel asks, looking at the man with his normal narrowed eyes. 

"You should be able to go in the next two hours." 

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