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Humming lightly to myself I quietly move through the dark and gloomy trailer of some asshole named North Taylor. He really needed to clean his place up, no one should be able to consume the amount of candy that he has laying around as just wrappers. It's most likely unhealthy. 

I thought he was supposed to be the healthy one, truth be told. At least that's what Gabriel kept telling me. They must've all had the world's worst diet before the apocalypse because if this guy was the health nut, I definitely don't think they even knew what vitamins and minerals are. 

I should cook him breakfast, or would it still be considered dinner? I mean, it is 1 AM, so honestly, it could be both dinner and breakfast. Dad and I regularly had breakfast for dinner. Or dinner for breakfast. I'm confusing myself at this point. 

I'll make blueberry pancakes, with bacon, eggs, and veggies! 

I hate vegetables. Except for kale and spinach, those are both really good. And avocadoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, carrots, and cucumbers. 

Perhaps I should explain why I am breaking and entering into a pyromancer's house. While I cook, because the last couple of meetings with my mates have been a little chaotic and we all know that I need to at least meet one in a peaceful manner. Especially this one, Gabriel told me that Northy is the grumpiest one of the group. Which is serious, because that would mean that he is grumpier than Owie-poo. I wonder if Northy is hiding his homosexuality too?

It all started three days ago when I got shot -

"It's not the first time I've been shot." I groan, leaning my head back against Gabriel's chest, who was perched behind me.

The coolest thing about the Academy, and the mutants in the Academy, is the fact that so many people have different powers! So Raven, my amazing Russian who looks murderous right now, can control weapons. A bullet is, in essence, a weapon. He was able to piece back the bullet fragments into a whole bullet and slowly retract it from my chest into his hand. Then Doctor  Roberts sewed up the wound that the bullet initially left. His gift is in healing, of course, but it's not healing wounds or anything like that, he has the gift of cell repair, it normally only works on people with diseases, both terminal and not. 

"Your fucking insane!" Azel screeches, throwing his hands in the air before he starts pacing once again. Great, another whiny bitch to add to my collection. Honestly, the only room in this mating group for drama queens has already been claimed, Gabriel and I take up all that room. 

"I know! Isn't it great!" I say, clapping my hands twice for smirking over at Owen, who i knew was getting ready to blow a gasket. I don't think that he can handle so much stuff happening on one day, or one twenty-four hour period. 

"I have neither the time or crayons to explain this to you, Lydia," Monkey-suit starts, pausing to glare at Nathan who snorted at him, "but the second Dr. Roberts clears you from the hospital I promise you that we are going to have a really, really, long conversation regarding your lack of self-preservation."

"You honestly can't get on to me, or punish me, for saving Gabriel's life." I snap, crossing my arms as I glare as the bossy bitch. 

"Nyet, we will not punish you for saving Sparkles. I will punish you for taking your life to save Sparkles." Raven grounds out, his eyes darkening even more as he glares at Gabriel and me. 

"You mean risking my life?" I ask, tilting my head and watching the man glower like a bear . He was in no way going to punish me for risking my life for Gabriels, they would do the same thing for me. 

"Same," The Russian paused, his glare sharpening to a barely contained cold fury, "And before you argue that we do the same for you, endanger ourselves, we are fourteen men and you are one woman. There is many difference."

We Raven got angrier that normal, or scared as I have noted multiple times, his words get chopped and lost in translation. Swallowing I look at him, past the angry cold glare and the tough exterior. 

"Moya bol'shoy medved," My tone was soft, sadness leaking into it as I move off of Gabriel's life, glaring at the other four men in the room who tried protesting, and patter across the large hospital room to Raven, my ass hanging out the back of the hospital gown, "Mne tak zhal', chto ya deystvoval, prezhde chem podumat'. U menya ne bylo vremeni chto-libo sdelat' ili predupredit' vsekh vas, pozhaluysta, ne serdites'. YA obeshchayu, ya nikuda ne poydu."

"YA uzhe poteryal odnogo, malen'kaya lisa, ya uzhe poteryal svoy solnechnyy svet. YA ne mogu poteryat' drugogo, i ya pochti poteryal. YA pochti poteryal tebya. Vy tam, gde zhivy i zdorovy, a potom vy vybegayete iz dveri, zatem istekayete krov'yu v moikh rukakh. YA chut' ne poteryal tebya i nichego ne mog sdelat', chtoby pomoch'!" Raven leans his forehead against mine, tears shining in his eyes as he stares at me, both arms hooked around my waist loosely. 

"O, Yevgeny, ya tak tebya lyublyu. M Corey tozhe tebya ochen' lyubit. Mbi vernem Sunshine vmeste, i togda u vas budet dvoye iz nas, chtoby presledovat' i bespokoit'sya,"  As I finish talking the Russian finally lets his tears go, they slide down his cheeks simultaneously, exactly one on each cheek. 

"Ty ne prinesesh' moy solnechnyy svet v tvoi malen'kiye khitryye igry. Mne dostatochno odnogo narushitelya spokoystviya, chtoby ne otstavat'. Yesli my ne budem sozdavat' problemy v posteli, v etom sluchaye my budem delat' vse, chto vy khotite," He coos in my ear before leaning back a little, watching me with a smirk. All sadness and anger in eyes gone. 

Tilting my head down slightly I look at him through my lashes, a smirk slowly creeping up onto my face, "Sobirayetes' li vy pokazat' mne, kak russkiy zanimayetsya lyubov'yu so svoimi druz'yami? My oba? V to zhe vremya? Vy khotite, chtoby my oba igrali s vashim chlenom? Ili vy khotite, chtoby my oba igrali drug s drugom, poka vy derzhite svoy sobstvennyy chlen?"

"No, none of that nonsense! Vixen get your ass on the bed and stop teasing the Russian so you don't get in trouble! Raven, go take a walk or something!" Axel snaps, putting his hand on Raven's shoulder above me and shoving him back slightly. 

Smirking I wink at Raven's steadily increasing in red face, before raising an eyebrow at Axel, my smirk growing, and turning on my heels to strut back to the bed. 

After everyone finally relaxed, I got scolded a couple more times, and all of them except Gabriel was asleep he spent the entire night telling me stories from each of his brothers. How they all relied on each other so much that when seven of them disappeared it all went into chaos. 

A strangled gasp brought me from my memories, the flickering feeling of heat beside me making me pause and look at the somehow burning fridge, before redirecting my attention to the huge ass angry looking hulk mother-trucker standing in the doorway of the kitchen. 

He wore all black, and his expression was dark as hell. This was definitely the pissy Northy that Gabriel was telling me about. We were going to have so much fun together! I'll somehow manage to get him to dress in pink sparkly shit, trust me. 

"Um, I can make cereal for you? I was going to try and make omelets or something, I can't remember, but ugh... you see how that turned out."

His eyes widened his, ears turning a bright pink color, before his face suddenly flushed in even more anger, "What the fuck are you doing! Get the fuck away from the motherfucking burning fridge before you get hurt baby!"

Captain is so going to hate him, he already dislikes Gabriel and Raven because they cuss so much. Apparently, they are a bad influence. He doesn't like Owie-either... their too similar in my own opinion. And Nathan is on medium grounds with him. 

Natasha is going to love them all though!

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