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"They're shooting at us Lydia! This was not disclosed in the plan or warnings of coming back in time!" North bellows as they slam into the Morgue of the hospital, it was the closest entrance and the only one that wasn't locked. 

Sean wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind to be fiddling with his keys, as they found out with bullets raining down on them and angry German shouts. Shouts that just upset North more and more. 

"Stop fucking yelling at me and help me move this body!" Lydia screeches back as she throws open one of the dead person drawers. 

"Oh God, not that one! Mrs. Betty only died this morning!" Sean groans as he runs his head through his hair. 

Banging on the now locked door to the alley next to the hospital makes all of them jump, in fright most likely, but none of them would ever admit to that. 

"Get in the drawer Sean." North snaps, looking at the blonde haired man whose eyes widen marginally.

"There is an empty one next to it." Sean whispers back, looking from Lydia, who was admiring the old woman's acrylic nails, which was weird, to North who was glowering at him. 

"Exactly, and I'm not letting Lydia lay on a newly dead corpse while we hide from angry German's with guns. It's unsanitary and our brothers would kill me." 

"So you're going to let me lay on a newly dead corpse?! How is that fair in the slightest?! It's cause she's prettier, right?" Sean asks in exasperation, though despite the look of utter disgust on his face he slowly starts inching towards the open drawer. 

"Sean just get in the fucking drawer." 

"I never thought I would hear those words in my life." 

"Sean, shut up and get in the drawer." 

"I'm being serious right now, I'm about to lay down over my dead patient's body, let me reveal in the final moments of my life that I can say I've never draped myself over a dead body." 

"I like him," Lydia says with a small giggle, winking at Sean, which causes North to let out a dramatic groan. 

Lydia turns from the dead woman to the drawer next to it, her freezing fingers quickly pulling out the empty drawer and getting prepared to climb in. 

"Wait Baby, let me get Sean settled, we can both get in that one. You're getting paler." 

"Are you sick?" Sean asks, getting distracted as he sits on the dad women's lap. Which Lydia would have taken a picture of if she wasn't starting to shiver even more. No, she's still gonna take a picture. 

Whipping out her cellphone, which she had stored in her bra, she quickly snaps a picture of Sean sitting on the dead woman's lap, his green eyes wide and looking at North like he was a maniac. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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