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North leans over the trashcan in a random alley outside the hospital in Charleston once again, heaving up the tacos they had made an hour before he jumped on the time travel band-wagon with Lydia. 

"I'm so sorry! I totally forgot how that can feel when you haven't done it before!" Lydia continually apologizes, her hands doing some weird panicked motion as she tries to figure out exactly what she can do to help. 

"It's fine," North grumbles, leaning up and swallowing gasps of air, his brows sweating, "Next time though, knock me out before hand." 

Lydia winces, shaking her head slightly, "That would actually be way worse, your body would go through the time-warp but your consciousness definitely wouldn't. Meaning that when you woke up only your mind would be slammed through the time-warp, which would be awful."

"God, you smart people exhaust me." North groans, before leaning down and heaving again. 

At that exact moment a curly haired green eyed man strolls into the alley-way, looking around in a perceived sneaky way, before slyly pulling out a pack of cigarettes. 

"You know those are cancer sticks, right?" Lydia asks the man, tilting her head to the side as he panicked gestures temporarily pause to observe him. 

The man's vibrant green-eyes widen unbelievably large, as he jumps a foot in the air and lets out a scream. 

Lydia also jumps at the noise, screaming herself, her own eyes wide as she quickly lays a hand against her chest to calm the pounding. She wasn't feeling the best, now that she though about it. 

North straightens up, an alarmed angry look on his face as he glances around them, before his brown eyes clash with her blue ones, and the anger fades to concern. 

Moving towards her, while the green-eyed man proceeds to have a mental breakdown seeing as he was looking in the trashcan's and flipping over boxes in a frenzy, North presses his hand to her forehead. 

"You're freezing to death," He grumbles, pushing the flaming red hair away from her pale clammy cheek and laying his oversized hand against it, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm going insane. I'm actually going insane." The green-eyed guy proceeds to mumble, stopping a few feet away from them. 

"Lydia," North pats her cheek for a second, "That's Sean, Sean Green." 

Lydia wavers, coming out of her stupor and shivering violently, "My powers are acting weird, they are picking up too many energies and it's hard to control them." 

"You need to make us visible again." North mumbles, bringing her in for a hug and rubbing her back as she shivers again, "Otherwise he'll slip away." 

"Sorry, sorry," She mumbles, standing up she waves her hand, "I figured your toxic masculinity couldn't handle some stranger watching you vomit." 

"Holy mother of..." Sean screams jumping back away from them again, his eyes flicking from both of them back and forth. 

"Toxic masculinity my ass, I'm the most masculine guy I know. Without the toxicity." 

"Besides Raven." 

"Fucking Crow, would you stop comparing him to me! And me to him!" 

"I'm not comparing, I'm just saying that appearance wise, and masculinity wise, you both are the closest! And Nathan... And Axel... Owen is a breed of his own when it comes to his toxic traits. But the rest of you are definitley suffering from some toxic masculinity." 

"And let me guess, Gabriel is..." Lydia bounces on her heels, interupting North's sarcastic comment in the making.

"Gabriel is just bae, with a touch of depression! The rest of you are bae too, but you'd all have a dick-measuring contest to see who I would sleep with that night."

North clears his throat, looking away for a second, as his hand comes up to scratch the base of his head. 

"Oh, my goodness," Lydia pauses, pulling back from him, "Don't tell me you've already had a dick measuring contest."

"Can we pause, for just a second," The voice was gentle and bubbly almost, as Sean pipes up, bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement, "Because I am almost positive I am staring at the older version of the boy who has the flu that I just sent home from the hospital, and my soulmate!" 

"Our soulmate." North corrects, looking at the man for the first time in four years, his breath leaving his chest. 

Removing himself from Lydia, who pouts at the action as she was freezing to death, North looks the lanky man up and down, a frown replacing his scowl. In a completely out of character move, he surges forward and wraps the curly-haired man in a bone-crushing hug. 

Sean stands perfectly still for a couple seconds, before awkwardly patting North on the back, "There there."

While the boy, or rather man, looked nothing like the North he had seen moment ago, their biological sequence was exactly the same. Sean's gift told him that this was indeed North, just a much older North than the one he had seen his entire life. 

As North pulls back from the hug, looking Sean up and down in the process, Lydia bounces forward. Tired of waiting for the long reunion to be over, especially as the metaphorical clock began moving. 

And as the voices began growing louder and louder, echoing around in her head. There was too many whispering, some louder than others, for her to discern actual names. But she knew now who the voices where warning her about, who would die. 

Lydia wanted to be back by the time the voice screamed their final cord, because she would loose most of her strength for days to come if she wasn't. They would be too loud, to ominous, and they would tear through her body like an avalanche. And that timeline meant rushing the reconnection of brothers that had been waiting four painful years. 

"So, not to rush you into this or anything, but we're from the future. The world has pretty much ended, and we need you to come back with us. Along with a couple others."

Sean pauses, looking at her up and down, his head cocked to the side as a flirty smile slowly crosses his lips, "Did you fall from heaven? Because I'm a Doctor, and I can heal all of you're wounds for you." 

Lydia blinked, frowned, then giggled as the word along her left hip buzzed to life, tingles following a trail from her mark to her hip, "No I didn't, but I could probably use some healing from the scrapes I got while clawing my way out of Hell." 

Sean snorts, smirking at her, "Well, as the song goes there is definitely some devil in those angel eyes, and I absolutely love that. We are going to be the absolute best combination." 

"As tantalizing as that sounds, you are the one that looks like an angel. A little cupid angel to be specific." 

Sean goes to respond, North rolling his eyes at the scene, but all three of them duck to the ground as gunfire starts at the front of the alley, bullets flying overhead. 

"Time to go!" Lydia sings, grabbing both of their hands and racing towards the other end, shouts echoing behind them. 

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