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~ A ~

The four men sat around Nathan's living room, watching each other. It had been a rather exhausting day for them all.

After the whole spanking incident, which was a fucking turn-on for them all, totally worth the silent-treatment they are getting, and now on all of their phones so they can show the rest of her mates, the Captian America had proceeded to enter the house. He cussed them all out, gave their girl a hug, gave the men a glare that promised pain the next time they met, and then he just tossed the dead body over his shoulder and sashayed out to the car that had been chasing Owen and Gabriel earlier in the day. The one with the crazy red-head Russian, which Raven knew, conveniently.

Now, Lydia was passed out in Nathan's room cuddling Morgan and avoiding laying on her butt. There hadn't been an actual conversation started, Gabriel and Owen's being cut off right after the epic save Lydia did weeks before, Nathan was watching them all with a leery gaze, and Raven was making daggers appear and disappear in his hands.

"So..." Gabriel starts, looking back and forth between the other three men, an almost docile look in his eyes, "Are we going to go our separate ways like before, or try and fix this?"

"There is no fixing this." Nathan grumbles, taking a sip from the whiskey glass in his hand. Which Owen watched in a trance.

"Nyet, you people can do whatever you want. I will not be leaving malen'kaya lisa." Raven snaps, glaring at the other three, "And if you even try to I will do much more worse than rip your hearts out. I will cut off your dicks and carve out your eyes and use your eye holes as a ..."

Owen cuts off Raven with a simple, "We know what you are saying Raven, and no one will be leaving our Darling, at least if they don't want me to join you on that rather sadistic action."

"You can't force us to share her, Owen," Nathan seethes, his face turning red once again, his anger getting the best of him before he can stop it.

Owen glares at the younger boy, his eyes molten silver while a fire similar to Victor's flashes through them, "I am not forcing anyone, Mr. Griffan. And if you stopped long enough to realize that this family no longer exists, and she is the one bringing us back together, then perhaps you would understand why the three of us are so... enraptured by her."

"You mean absolutely in fucking love, right? Because if we are speaking for ourselves, I am absolutely fucking in love with her. Like, so in love that if you so much as hurt her I will make your skin look like frog skin." Gabriel says, bouncing in his seat with happiness that neither Owen nor Nathan had seen in him before. Even before the snap, he wasn't this happy, or smiley.

"Da, I too love malen'kaya lisa. How could you not? She speaks Russian, she drives like Russian, she talks like Russian, she uses hands like Russian uses guns, she is amazing and I must give her a bigger fruit cup..." Raven trails off, a dazed daydreaming look on his face. Which didn't look like it belonged there at all.

Nathan looked at the two men he once considered family and... well Raven wasn't even a friend. Seconds ticked by, Owen not announcing his undying love for the red-head because he knows she is sitting at the top of the stairs, tears brimming in her eyes while she watches the four talk.

"So, say we share her. How does that work? Do we just forget the rest of our brothers, the rest of our family, for one bird? No matter how amazing, I never thought that the Owen Blackbourne would think about ditching his family. Even more than you already have, at least." Nathan says, looking between the three men in front of him.

Owen regarded Nathan in a cool manner, turning his nose up slightly as he answers, "Our brothers have nothing to be worried about. She is the mate to all fourteen. All nine of our family, and all five of Ravens."

"So she has seven dead mates and seven asshole mates alive?" Nathan snaps, wanting to take another dig at the three in front of them. Wanting to destroy any of their happiness, not understanding why those three, if any, would be rewarded with a mate. Or how he was supposed to share with the likes of them. Maybe once upon a time, sure, but now?

"What happens when one mate dies, Mr. Griffan?"

Nathan's eyes widen, as he leans back in the chair, his whiskey glass being set onto the table without a second thought as he remembers one of the most basic aspects of being a mate, when one dies the other one dies too. She isn't dead. Which means they weren't dead.

Everyone who was blipped was still alive. They were still alive. And they would be so disappointed in what the family had come to.

"So what is our next step? We share her all the while finding the rest of our family and figuring out how to reverse the snap?" Nathan asks, resolve and determination flickering into his previously dead and lifeless eyes.

"Next we find someone named Axel, who will be dying sometime in the next three days if the voices are correct," Lydia says, finally making an appearance as she struts down the stairs, settling herself on Nathan's lap despite his obvious kinda hostility at the idea of sharing.

"Voices?" Both Owen and Nathan chimed at the same time, shocked that she mentioned hearing voices, voices that predicted death anyways. Gabriel and Raven both darting their eyes to meet the others, that wasn't good at all.  

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