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"Sir the Stark Industry Quinjet is requesting access to land," A tech from the Academy hospital says, stumbling into the office of Academy leader Phil Roberts.

"Why is Stark Industry reque..." The slightly chubby graying man is cut off by another man rushing into the room.

"Change that, they just landed the jet in our parking lot," The second tech says, gasping for air seeing as he hand just legged it up to three flights of stairs. Why he didn't use the elevator no one would ever know. 

Without even responding the Phil stands up from his chair, shooting a glare at the Russian and still in shock fashionist who just attempted suicide, "You both are on watch in here, if either one of you breaths wrong I will personally shoot you."

Rushing from his office he signals for the guards, all Academy of course, to split and follow him or stand with the boys. The last thing he had expected today was to get informed his prodigy teams had collapsed, one his most promising students had attempted suicide, seven Academy members (that was previously thought to be on a break, not missing) were involved in the blip, and Stark Industries (the main funder for the Academy itself) was making a surprise visit the Hospital.

He was used to many things in his line of work, but Harley Keener, a boy he had rescued four years prior, an older Morgan Stark, who he had delivered four years prior, and a literally flaming (the end of her hair was on fire) Lydia Stark stomping into the entrance of the hospital was not one of those things.

"Lydia, your bleeding," He snaps, glaring at the red-head who was walking like a woman on a mission. Which she most likely was. And according to the three-hour story he had just listened too, the mission was sitting in his office and had no idea what was heading their way.

"I'll stop in a little while, do you have any idea on how stupid this generation is?" Lydia asks, smiling tightly at the older man who had treated her after she escaped from the Hydra base.

"Yes, I have quite the taxing few in my office for you, assuming that is why you are here?" Phil asks, knowing right now she was not looking for a nice little reunion, the fury, and pain in her eyes told him formalities were best.

"No need to be so tense, I'm not going to kill him or anyone. Morgan's ears need to be looked at, along with Harley's. I woke up screaming this time, so I didn't have time to get into the room."

Phil visibly flinches as he recalls the one time he had heard her cry of death, or scream as she called it. Her mother, Morgan's biological mom, had died during the birth of Morgan herself. Lydia had been helping them try and stop the bleeding, but she had stumbled backward seconds before the flatline and screamed so loud all the windows, inside and out, of the hospital, had been blown apart. The electricity might have also been cut off with the scream.

"I didn't think you knew any Academy teams," Phil asks, taking Morgan from her and nodding briefly at Harley as they start walking down the hall towards the elevators.

"I don't." Was Lydia's short reply as she watched everyone around them intently. Her dislike for new people made her automatically stand on alert and be suspicious of everyone. It might also be because the last person in her family that was biologically related to her was with her.

"Well, that's odd, from what I've researched. You should only scream, and scream loud enough to burst eardrums and glass if the person is close to you," Phil mumbles, thinking through everything the boys had said.

Lydia silently rolls her eyes, she knew that. The fact that she shouldn't have screamed for someone she didn't know was the reason she was here. That and Harley wouldn't get checked out otherwise and she didn't trust anyone except Dr. Roberts with Morgan.

Sending a small glare to Harley and Phil, the silent If anything happens to her, you won't see tomorrow, being passed to them both was obvious to even those not in the Academy. They were to guard Morgan with their life.

She separates from the group, which was moving to Phil's personal examination room, and marches towards his office, her mind running a mile per minute on the reasons she was connected to Gabriel and how he was doing.

Nodding lightly at the guards she bursts through the doors and into the room, rolling her eyes at the gun that was immediately shoved into her face, "Haven't you learned your lesson about weapons tonight?"

Her legs kick out as she twirls under the tattooed man, her right foot connected with the back of his knee, sending him to the ground before she wraps her arm around his neck and flips him over her own back.

Raven lands on the ground in a heap, her barefoot pressing into his neck as she glares down at him, his own gun pointed at his head, "Children should not be playing with them."

Both the men in the room stare at her in shock, frozen for nearly a minute as she continues to watch the one of the floor. Nerves slowly entering her as butterflies, for whatever reason, erupt around her stomach.

"Ty moy navsegda. Teper' potseluy menya, malen'kaya lisa. Podozhdi, ty istekayesh' krov'yu?"

"Oi! What the absolute f*cking hell is going on with your motherf*cking hair? It looks like a d*amn blender got wrapped up in the f*cking thing!"

Both Raven and Gabriel say at the same time, both coming out of their shock simultaneously. Raven starts out with a purr and quickly ends with a shout, Gabriel just shouts the entire time.

Lydia, who was frozen beforehand, feels the panic grip at her heart as she stumbles away from the obvious Russian on the floor. Her eyes dart back and forth between the man standing next to the couch with his hands on his hips and the one bouncing up to his feet.

"Well this is certainly unexpected," She says, wrapping her arms around herself as she looks at the two men who were her mates. Well, some of her mates.

She cuts herself off from saying anything else as her eyes widen at Gabriel, suddenly realizing that is was her mate that had to kill himself.

Lydia's lip pokes out unintentionally, and much to the panic and dismay of the two men in the room, she starts sobbing so hard she falls to the ground. Or would have had Raven not swept her up before she hit. 

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