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Humming under her breath Lydia struts into the coffee shop, Morgan directly behind her with Gabriel right behind her. One held her right hand and the other held her left.

About thirty paces behind them Raven had his arms shoved deep into his pockets while he trailed after them. He didn't necessarily like shopping, but he had this feeling that Lydia was one to attract trouble and the past week and a half without it was rare.

It had technically been four days since Lydia saw her third mate, Owen Blackbourne, she had dropped him off at the hospital with Dr. Roberts to undergo a mental evaluation and... well to get thoroughly chewed out for his irresponsible actions regarding everything that had happened the past few years.

Lydia may have left one of her credit cards with Dr. Roberts for Owen, only if he passed all of his tests and did an alcohol detox, so he could go purchase a house for them - meaning Lydia, Gabriel, Raven, Morgan, and Harley.

She wasn't planning on bringing partially mentally unstable and totally not prepared for superhero life people back to the Stark tower in New York. Plus, she could only handle so much longer in the hotel with the dimwits she was with now.

Not to mention the minor issue of her being super famous, well a billionaire, and an escaped prisoner of Hydra. And the fact that she was not ready to introduce her mates to the family yet. Steve would put them through the wringer. Which, if we were all being truthful here, would honestly be hilarious.

Gabriel, though still suffering, was making a full recovery from where he had been a week ago. Most people would assume it was the fact he had his mate with him or the fact that he had money to spend again, but he wholeheartedly believed it was because he felt like he was loved again. Like he wasn't just a burden. The medicine Dr. Roberts had put him on for depression might also be helping.

"Momma, can we go check out the bookstore now? I finished the ones you had delivered yesterday, and FRIDAY refuses to have any more shipped," Morgan asks, her voice catching the attention of all three adults with her.

It had shocked both Gabriel and Raven when they first heard Morgan call her mom. But after Lydia explained everything, except a few minor details like her being part of the Avenger family (for some reason they hadn't put together who she was with her last name yet), they found it really endearing. Which led to the being called Daddy, though Morgan herself was quick to tell them the second her actual dad came back they might lose the name.

"Didn't we go to a bookstore yesterday?" Gabriel whined, plopping down onto one of the bar stools in the coffee shop, crossing his arms.

Giggling lightly Lydia sat down one chair down from him, Raven plopping down on the other side of her and Morgan sliding into the seat between her and Gabriel, "Yes, but they didn't have the book she wanted. I'll have FRIDAY order it for you, Morgan, though it'll probably be delivered to the tower."

"Marc loved coffee," Raven rumbled from the other side, butting into the conversation and changing the subject subtly. He wanted Lydia to tell Gabriel about his leader, and the fact that he was now out of his intoxicated daze.

"Luke wasn't allowed to have coffee, it made him spastic and he couldn't control his gift." Gabriel said, rolling his eyes at the Russian while watching Lydia.

She wore one of the outfits he picked. The white fur coat was drawing a lot of attention, but it was obvious to him that she was used to it. She had her hair in a high ponytail, a Viking braid leading to it, with bright red cherry bursting lipstick. Her legs were clad in skin-tight jeggings, dark wash, and her shirt was a long-sleeved black turtle-neck that accented her curves even with the oversized jacket.

Gabriel himself had small stubble along his jaw, his hair was messy on top of his head, completely brown due to him allowing the blonde strips that had adorned either side four years ago growing out. He wore a leather jacket with a bright orange shirt underneath, skinny jeans with rips on the knees clinging to his legs, and orange Nikes on his feet.

Raven was wearing a white t-shirt that clung to his muscles, his beard and hard glare completely contradicting the lighthearted looks on the other two's faces. He wore simple joggers and boots as well.

The group was mismatched, though Gabriel and Lydia kinda blended together with their outgoing appearances, and Raven looked like the body-guard to the well-dressed drama queens.

It wasn't hard for Owen Blackourne to find the group, or follow them from a bit. He hadn't seen his mate, Lydia, for four days, after she dropped him off at the hospital. Of course, they had texted a bit, but even then she was very evasive of who she was with.

To say he was shocked to see Gabriel and a child hanging off of her was an understatement. And of course, the Russian that couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself as they walked was also a shock. But he knew that they were her mates, Dr. Roberts hadn't informed him of what happened that brought them together, but he was sure to inform him of how disappointed he was in him as a father-figure and mentor.

While Owen didn't have the same hacking skills as other members of his team, the dead ones, he did have some understanding from years of watching them work. So it wasn't hard to find and track Lydia's phone.

Strutting into the coffee-shop, his held high, and wearing a black suit with purple tie, he walked right up to the stool next to Gabriel and pulled it out, "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything."

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