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Lydia raced across the living room, the pink box wrapped up in her hands while a maniac smile crossed her face. Behind her Brandon was laughing under his breath, and North was yelling out German cusses towards her. It wasn't everyday you saw your mate running away in the middle of her own sky-scraper with a little pink bomb in her hand. 

Clint and Natasha immediately moved towards the other side of the room, Thor trying to hurry back as well. All three of them had been on the receiving end of one of her odd colored weapons before, and it was never pretty. 

Seeing the distress on everyone's face, Owen felt a scowl curling up onto his lips, while Raven let out a triumphant huff. Owen had thought there had been a legitimate threat, and Raven had been right about Lydia being the one to kidnap them. 

Lydia shoved the box onto Steve's lap, letting out a laugh as she spun on her heels and tackled North, and Brandon since he was behind North, behind the couch. 

Right as they landed a small "ting" echoed around the room. Followed by a minor explosion. 

Steve let out a series of coughs, before a small whine left the back of his throat, hissing he lets out a low, barely audible, "Lydia Stark, I am going to make you wish you were never born." 

Everyone start's talking over each other, some people, such as the five boys still partly tied up on the floor, questioning what the hell is going on. Others, like North, specifically, begin yelling about weapons and running through the building with a bomb. 

And then, of course, loud breathless laughs, from Thor, Natasha, and Clint overwhelm the room. Clint looked like he was going to pass out, Natasha looked like all the oxygen was leaving her body, and Thor looked like he might pee himself. 

Popping up from behind the couch, Lydia smiles widely at the fuming, extremely and violently angry Steve, "Don't worry General America, you just look like you're enjoying your new job!" 

It was then that her men noticed exactly what happened with the bomb, causing three of the five tied up to let out their own oxygen-less laughter. 

"You look like a stripper! Not even the pretty kind, the ones with bloated zombie-looking skin and a couple of dozen diseases!"

"Da, a stripper I would not pay for, ever." 

"Oy, for mother-fucking sakes, Luke is going to fucking love your fucking ass! Glitter! Pink Glitter! You fucking glitter bombed a superhero!"

"Of all the things you would put in a bomb, you put glitter in it! Why are you making bombs to begin with? Do you know how dangerous making weapons is?"

"You are aware that my family name is known for making some of the most successful and destructive weapons in history, right? It's where we get our money from." Lydia snarks, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at North, whose face just goes even redder. 

"I don't care if that's were your money comes from! It's dangerous! What if that had been something different, like an actual bomb! You said it yourself you didn't know what it was! Are you out of your mind?!" 

"Yes," Her face was deadpanned, "I hear millions of voices in my head daily telling me when someone is going to die. So yes, I am out of my mind." 

"Enough, both of you," Owen's voice slices through the air, the authority in it temporarily halting all the noise in the room, from the bickering, to the teasing, to the laughing, "Miss Stark, do you mind informing us on why exactly an armed group broke into Mr. Griffan's house and forcably removed us before knocking us out and depositing us with this group of hooligans." 

"Hooligans, son I'll have you know," Steve starts, still covered in pink glitter, and currently extremely offended. 

"General America, I suggest you loose the tune with me. I said what I said and I meant what I said, and your wearing glitter like a stripper who a close friend of mine had to treat, the stripper had ten STDs, so yes, I classify you as a hooligan." Owen had to hide the smirk in his voice, loving that he was able to get in on the teasing even though he wasn't actually teasing. 

Sean had treated a male stripper with ten STDs, and because his friend was so empathetic and kind he had let the stripper crash at his place for a few days, which had lead to the stripper stalking him for a while. But that was neither here nor there. 

Laughter rang out again, this time from the group of seven men and the present superhero, except Thor, who looked confused at the whole situation. 

"What is STD?" The long-haired pot-bellied man asks, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head like a puppy. 

"How you not know STD? It is where your dick looks like a too long microwaved hot dog, it explodes." Raven was the one to answer him, giving Thor his own confused look. How did someone not know about that. 

"There are multiple different forms of STDs, but in general it is a sexually transmitted disease," Brandon corrects, raising his eyebrow at both Thor and Raven, one who still looked confused, and the other who looked like he might cry. 

"I have not seen face in so long," Raven mumbles, shifting back from where Brandon was standing to lean against the glass windows, "I apologize for breaking jaw last time I saw you. It was wrong. I just missed my sunshine." 

"There is sunshine outside," Thor says, looking towards Raven, who nearly snarls at the tone in his voice, "Why exactly would you punch Brandon because you missed sunshine?" 

"Okay, okay, let's desculate the situation," Gabriel starts, scooting back to lean against the wall next to Raven, who literally growls, "Besides, Thor is obviously now lacking in both looks and a fucking brain. Oh how the mighty have fallen." 

And just like that the argument starts, Thor shouts at Gabriel, Raven shouts at Thor, Gabriel cackles evilly at the sight, Steve starts yelling at Owen, which prompts Nathan and Axel to get involved, Brandon decides that he's bored and picks an argument with Clint, who then turns around and picks an argument with Natasha. 

Lydia simply shrugs and moves towards the bar area, in which she pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through TikTok, and recording the entire ordeal. She was definitely going to have to show the nerdier of her mates a video of these mates arguing with the remaining Avengers. 

"Captain, I wasn't aware that you were hurting for money." Fury's cold voice echoes into the room, making everyone's head snap towards him. 

"Excuse me, sir?" Steve asks, confusion doting his face as he glances around the room for someone to help. 

"At least tell me that you're going through an escort service and not a pimp, we have standards around here." 

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