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I sat on the couch with my hands under my butt, silently watching the brotherly reunion going on. Truth be told, I didn't think that Gabriel or Blackbourne should have this talk until after the rest of their family members are here, or perhaps until after the rest of both their and Raven's remaining team are here.

The whole lot of them are as negative as they can come, swearing up and down that their missing members are dead or some shit. Like, I understand why they would think that. They turned to ash and fluttered away in the wind. But still, I'll be damned if the rest of my family is gone forever.

It might seem like I'm not one to coordinate the superhero things, but I am officially an Avenger now. And by being an Avenger, that means that I'm responsible for like all of society. I don't like that job, so Dad and the rest are needed back on this realm.

Plus, I'm a Banshee. While everyone else simply has gifts, I am literally a different being. I have a different strand of DNA or chromosome or some crap that allows me to wail when death is near. I didn't scream when dad and everyone else disappeared. The only one I screamed for that day was Vision, and maybe Wanda at one point but we were able to save her. So they can't be dead. They aren't dead.

Though, back on the present topic, Gabriel should not be required to relive this more than once. Perhaps I can have FRIDAY do a recording and simply show is to Owen. But, then again, that might take away the emotional approach that these kinds of things require. I'm not sure, I've never tried killing myself, nor have I ever had to deal with someone attempting it. I mean, alcohol and gym addictions, sure. Assassination addictions, thanks for the Natasha. Candy addictions, I mean it was a mom before she died, but it still counts.

Moral of the long mental explantation, Gabriel should wait to tell Owen what happened. That would keep everyone from having to relive bad memories more than once. That would most likely be beneficial in the long run, at least for everyone's mental state. I'm assuming the rest of the guys for both teams are in some dark place at the moment. And while both Owen and Gabriel seem to be improving mentally, kinda, well Gabriel is from what I can tell, I haven't really spoken with Owen. Anyways, they all have a long way to come. And only reliving everything a few times should help, instead of doing it over and over again.

On the other hand, isn't it more beneficial to keep talking about something that pains you? I should have paid attention in that damn victimology or victim psychology class I took ages ago. Well, I took it like a month ago. Before all this started.

Just like my family, Thor, Steve, hell even Natasha, they had all gone down some form of negative slope that they needed help climbing up. And truth be told, they would most likely never reach the place they once were. Simply because they have experienced things now, emotions, that they couldn't have comprehended back then.

The boys, my boys, my men, they would never be the same. And most of them will probably try to cling onto the reality that they had before the snap, just like everyone else. But clinging onto the past destroys your present and future. They all had to let go, at least let go enough to come up with a solution to fix the past.

Wait... maybe we didn't need to fix the past. We could simply fix the present. How do we reverse the effects of the snap without going back and stopping the snap?

"I have an idea!" I screech, bouning up from the couch, my hand in the air like I'm asking a question in class.

Both men, that were pacing in front of me, well kinda pacing. Owen was fidgeting in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. Gabriel was sitting on the edge of the bed glaring at him with his arms crossed. Then, of course, Raven, who was leaning against one of the tall dresser things across from me just watching everything pan out with the really odd Russian smirk on his face.

"Darling, we are in the middle of a discussion," Owen starts, turning towards me with a frown, which is apparently his normal facial expression now that I think about it. Why doesn't he ever smile. I know I've only known him for a few days, but damn boy, you need a Xanex.

Cutting him off, I wave my hand through the air, "Yeah, yeah. I know. But there is something so much more important that I just thought of."

"Lydia, I need to talk to Mr. Tall-dark-and-drunk. Can't this wait?" Gabriel asks, smiling tightly at me. It obliviously didn't reach his eyes, but I mean I wouldn't be excited to tell my parental figure kinda about what was happening in my head either. Last time that happened Dad actually thought about checking me into a mental facility. Though Mom shut him down by telling him to run DNA tests or something like that. While I have a photographic memory, that time in my life, when the voices started, I wasn't exactly in the right mind-frame.

Glaring slightly at him, I cross my own arms, "This is a conversation that should be had without other people in the room. I have an idea, so Raven and I will go work on it."

Gabriel shoots up from the bed, "You can't leave! I don't have to do anything, Ly. Let me grab my things and I'll..."

Cutting him off I smile slightly, "Meanie, you need to have the convo with Mr. Monkey-suit. We aren't going to go far, and I'm not leaving you, I'm simply running some errands," Pausing I turn my attention to Owen and glare, "If you so much as raise your voice, belittle him or his feelings, or hurt him in any way I will show you just how good I am at injuring someone without killing them."

Raven nodded at both men, before grabbing my elbow and moving us out the room, "Thank stars. I was stressed they would fight with you in there."

"It's worried, Rav," I mumble.


"You were worried they were going to fight."


Sighing I lean my head on his arm as we walk down the hotel hall towards the elevator, "It's not the same, though similar it is definitely not the same."

"You are so cute," He mumbles, a rumble coming out of his chest. That almost sounded like a laugh.

Smirking I pull away from him, looking up at him and batting my eyelashes, "I am cute aren't I! Now, do you want to meet my Godfather, kinda."

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