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"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, yes! Right there! Don't stop! Yeah! O' my God!" My voice bounces around the office as I stare down at my phone, continuously hitting the button to make the stupid flappy bird flap like a bird. I hate this game.

You nasty people totally thought I was screwing Owen in the office, didn't you?

Shit, I wish I was, my ass still hurts from the "lesson" I got taught about not disclosing information and doing something stupid. Raven participated this time. It was hellish. Especially since that's all that happened. Talk about leaving a girl hanging.

So, yes, I am purposefully making sex noises in Owens office in Nathan's house (I actually think it used to be someone's room or something) while Owen is going over more case files or person files or something regarding his missing family members and Axel's missing family members.

Axel is still unconscious on the couch, in the office, he's been out for about 13 hours now. I would be worried, but apparently he isn't dying if the now non-existent voices have anything to say about it. Which they do. They say he isn't dying or dead. If you needed clarification.

"Ms. Stark, this is my third time asking you to stop with the unnecessary noises," As Owie-poo speaks I mock him, my voice higher pitched than normal as I pinch up my face and snap my fingers at the end. He has major 'tude when he wants. Like seriously, he is such a whiny bitch.

"Mr. Monkey-suit, this is my third time telling you that pay-back is a damn bitch," I say, rolling my eyes as his silver-colored ones seem to turn to molten lava.

"If you want me to bend you over my desk and pound my dick into you until your moaning those words out of pleasure and not mockery than do say the word. If you do not want that, then you should find another way to get under my skin."

Swallowing thickly, which totally had nothing to do with the sudden tightening of my lower stomach as killer moths filled it and saliva pooled in my mouth, I open my mouth to snap back, only for a totally-not-humored husky tone to over-talk me.

"If you want me to punch you in the nuts for touching my mate, then keep fucking running your mouth Blackbourne. If not, well then I suggest you shut the damn thing." Axel, who was apparently awake snarls, sitting up on the couch slowly.

Of course, he immediately grabbed his head and groaned in pain. Sue me, okay? I didn't catch the dumbass when he went to fall from passing out. I was mildly upset that I didn't get to fight him, so I figured he should come out with at least one injury. My shrill laughter at Owen's face and the comment, in general, was probably not any help to the head injury. Jealously was so fun to watch, at least until he knew that he actually had to share with thirteen others.

"Watch it, Pocahontas, one would think that you were a Native American caveman with all the growling you just did," I said with a giggle, only to get cut off by Owen snapping a "Ms. Stark". I've mentioned that Owen can be such a whiny bitch, right?

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