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"It definitely could have gone over better," I mumble into the speaker, glancing sideways out my peripheral at the growling man beside me. You would think being able to control fire he would have stopped the fire. Apparently it doesn't work like that. For some stupid reason. 

"I fucking imagine! He must be fucking livid, I can't believe you burnt down his house Trouble!" Gabriel screeches from the other end of the phone, Raven's booming laughter echoing through afterward. 

"It was your idea for me to make him fucking breakfast! I told you I couldn't fucking cook and you said that it didn't matter because it would be nice and apparently food is the way to a mans heart!" I snap back, my cheeks flushing as North continues to glare at me. He hadn't spoken a word since the initial mating words, not a peep, not even when his house was literally smoldering ashes. I make the best first impressions.

"Oi, don't you motherfucking push this off on me! Raven was the one that insisted you find the other two before someone else does first! So you should yell at him!" 

"I don't want to yell at anyone, my voice still hurts from the fake argument Axel and I had yesterday when that one guy tried mugging us. I mean, I might be overly dramatic, but he is ten-times more of a drama queen than both of us combine. Which is so saying something, because we are like a power-couple."

"Fuck yeah we are, we're the couple, bitches wanna be us and all that," Gabriel paused, shouting something over his shoulder that sounded like more swear words, "Can I use your card? Raven just found this cutest fucking tutu online for Morgan, it has a matching pair for you as well!" 

"You need no permission, buy it, and buy the baby tutu too for when we have a baby of our own," Raven grunts in the background. Rolling my eyes at the two, who were obsessed with spoiling Morgan, I almost miss the emotion that flies through North's eyes. 

"Raven, we've discussed this, you get no babies until Sunshine can agree. And Gabriel, before you start whining it's only fair that every single one of us agrees to the relationship before you start buying baby clothes." 

"Nyet, Sunshine agrees, I know it. We have baby when you want baby. But I want baby clothes for lisenok ready."

"Shut the fuck up you big ass Russian, Trouble said no motherfucking baby clothes, which means that we aren't going to get baby clothes."

"You mean we aren't going to tell her about baby clothes? Like the one's in the closet?" 

"Which closet?" I ask, my voice taking on a high pitch as I flit my widening eyes towards North who was steadily going red again. He needs to blow up, this emotionless thing doesn't work well for him. 

A ringing fills the car, cutting out whatever statement Gabriel was about to make, "Ugh, I gotta go, Meanie, bol'shoy medved', Monkey-suit is calling and something tells me that someone tattled on me."

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