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I lean against the wall in Nathan's living room, scrolling through Instagram as the men in the room all go at each other's throats. Owen and Gabriel are yelling at each other, Nathan and Raven tag-teaming Axel, and North looks like he is going to spontaneously combust. He still hasn't said anything. 

What is everyone yelling about you ask?

I have no fucking idea, I think they had another family meeting when I came home from accidentally burning down North's house this morning. FRIDAY would not let me use my card at the fucking coffee shop because Owen talked to Happy and Happy talked to Captain, and all those assholes decided that I didn't need coffee. I might have nearly killed Owen when I saw him. I did not, thankfully, but I did throw him over my shoulder and storm up the stairs to cuddle into Nathan's bed. 

Morgan had been dropped off with Harley by Owen, Axel, and Nathan before they came back to the house. Which apparently gave all these morons free run of the house as they couldn't, for their own lives, keep the noise to the minimum. 

Which doesn't really bother me. My father is probably the noisiest person alive. Through in Loki and Thor, neither of which can stay quiet, and the minor accidents we normally have with explosions or even Banner hulking out. I'm used to loud noisy people with no common sense.

Anyways, I woke up to the arguing. Everyone except North was making a big to-do about whatever they were going to war about, though he looks like he wants to make a big deal out of whatever it was. 

"I understand none of us intended on sharing! But you can't fucking tell me that you didn't, for one fucking second think that our mate could be the same person?! There's only so many people in the world that are that fucking crazy!" 

"Da, kak vy dumayete, skol'ko sumasshedshikh lis v mire? Ne tak mnogo, osobenno nikto, kak nasha malen'kaya lisa. Tak chto voz'mi i zadavay voprosy!" 

"Oy, you can't actually tell me that you didn't stop to think about one of us for one fucking second? You lost Sean, get the fuck over it! I lost everyone, both those dead and alive, you all turned your fucking back on me!" 

"Gabriel, I understand, I regret my decisions, but I couldn't lead you all anymore. I was on the phone with Sean, okay? He was there one second, and then someone said something, and he was gone!" Owen said, his eyes filling with tears. 

I definitely am intruding on a personal brotherly moment. It appears this argument is over them all working out their problems. It's only taken these morons forever. But technically it's not fair that Owen and Axel are taking the full blame. Sure, they were the leaders, but each person makes their own decisions life. 

Wait. He didn't see Sean disappear?

That doesn't make sense, I mean, sure it does, but if what I've been thinking about, what I called Captian about but never got to talk to him about it, is possible, this is an indicator that it's possible. 

"Guys! Holy fuck!" I screech, tossing my phone onto the couch across from me and launching into the conversation, "It might work! This is brilliant! Did any of you see your other teammates disappear? Or where they just missing?"

"Lydia, I love you, really, but we are busy," Gabriel snaps, glaring over his shoulder at me before turning back to Owen to screech some more. 

I have no problem with them arguing or talking out their obvious issues, all of them have been separated the past four years, none of them have had anyone besides booty-calls to rely on. And they need to work out their mental health and bonds with each other before I put my plan into action. 

I need a plan first. All I have right now is an idea. And who better to work on a plan than my crazy ass drunk Uncle who controls lightning. 

Huffing, I pull up the phone number to the SHIELD taxi service, quickly dialing it and giving them the address. Leaving the keys to the car on the counter I grab my purse and skid out the door, North following behind me. Which makes sense, he wasn't involved with his brother's argument anyway. He literally spent the entire time watching me play on my phone. I would force him to talk, but no one has confirmed or denied if he is deaf yet. 

From outside the house, one can still hear the shouting going on, though at this point in time I'm still going to ignore it as I've been doing the past however long its been since I woke up from my nap. It is kinda odd not to have Raven and Gabriel behind me, they've been following me around like lost puppies the past few weeks. 

"We are going to my Uncles, it will be approximately a five-hour plane ride, possibly shorter if I can get Fury to loan me a jet. Do you think that we should pick up the Brandon dude before we go? Or just go ahead and go? If I start this plan, I'm going to be jumping right into it, we have no time to lollygag. Though Captain, you haven't met him yet, would most likely get pissed that I didn't include him in on the plan, but this is really important. And none of the other guys want to listen to me right now, its a really good idea, I just don't know exactly how it will work. It might take some training." My hands move without even thinking, the sign language coming as easy as it did when I was a child. North watches with raised eyebrows, a small smile slowly coming over his face. It seemed like it didn't belong in a place of his angry scowl, but he looked so much better with it. 

Clearing his throat, he finally says something besides those first few words that had been on my skin my entire life, his voice rough, "How dangerous is this mission going to be? And are you sure that you can just leave the other guys here without telling them whats going on?" 

"Most likely very dangerous, I have an idea, I've had one the past few years, but I didn't know how it would work... the final execution of it could kill me. The guys will be fine, they probably won't let me do it, but they don't know who exactly I am, kinda, I don't know. I need to run the idea by my Uncle first, he knows more about the subject then I do, " I whisper the middle part of my explanation, not wanting to tell him that I could die because of it. 

"Then we get Brandon, and we go to this Uncle of yours. You will explain the idea to me and Brandon, and then we will work from there. If it doesn't seem too outlandish then we'll bring it back to the others and pull them into it if it seems ridiculously stupid and dangerous, we'll work from there." 

"Do you know what they are arguing about?" I asks, biting my lip as Raven's voice booms out of the house, despite the door and all the windows being closed.

"They're having a family meeting, to work out all the issues, instead of just letting them fester and get worse. Most likely they will be at this the next few hours, and then they'll be fine and no longer aggressive towards each other." 

"They're working out a new family dynamic?" 

"I would assume so, but don't worry, it will be fine. I want you to know that I have no issue sharing with my brothers, but my main goal is to protect you. Everything is up to you, your the most important part of my life now, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe." 

"Even follow me on a really stupid idea without a full plan of action, when you don't even know what the idea pertains to? And barely know me myself?" 

"Yes, baby, even follow you across the world when you have a stupid idea." 

The blacked-out SUV pulls up in front of us, the passenger window rolling down, "Get in the car Miss Stark, we have a lot to discuss." 

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