Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Everyone thinks they've gotten the worst side of the deal, no exception. Doesn't matter if you are a rich girl in a mansion, missing love or the woman with friends, family and money, and missing a career. Doesn't matter if you have the conscience that there are people that have it way worst than you. I am no exception. 

My name is Kimberly Thomas. I'm the daughter of Brian and Tina Thomas, and I'm the younger sister to Penelope and Mackenzie. My parents are cool and my sisters don't live at home anymore, Penny lives in a flat with her fiancé Hunter and Kenzie is married to Gus. Kenzie is 28 and Penny is 24, I'm the youngest and just turned 18 last week. At home my life is so good that I haven't even told anyone at home that at school my life is awful, because how do you tell your parents that their baby is a social pariah? 

At school I have only one friend, Fiona Williams, she's been my best friend since second grade; when Chase Duncan told me I had chicken legs and made me cry. Chase Duncan, that was the other nightmare of my existence. My school orbits around football and Chase Duncan is quarterback making him automatically king of the school with head cheerleader Heather Malcolm as his queen and Rick Gallagher the school's wide receiver and full time playboy as his second in command. Since the second he laid eyes on me in first grade he decided to make my life hell. He made fun of my pigtail and my clothes. As we grew older he decided to change his approach to simply ignoring my existence, but his hatred for me was still there as strong as ever. 

That morning I was skating to school already hoping for it to end. That was one of the things that helped me think, skating I mean. My skate board was turquoise and took me places far away when my head wouldn't let me think clearly. It was one of my hobbies, I skated, but just for fun. 


I was getting closer to the school, passing through the parking lot to be exact, when my skate bumped into something and I flew off of it. About 15 feet away. I was good at skating, I never just went flying like that. I looked up from the floor making sure I wasn't hurt when I heard the group laugh that hunted my dreams, in a second I realized what had happened. 

Sure enough when I looked I saw the whole popular crowd laughing at me and Heather had her foot in front of my skate. That bitch! 

"You bitch!" I heard Fi yell from behind me while I pulled my wavy brown hair from my mouth. Yes, I know, attractive. 

Fi went over to Heather while yelling profanities and yanked my skate from her. Heather only rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, Heath, don't you know torturing animals like Kimberly is a crime?" Chase laughed at his own joke and left with his posse at his heels. 

"You okay, Kim?" Fi said while offering me a hand and helping me get up. 

"Yeah, I'm okay..." I murmured humiliated, but used to the humiliation. 

"Good!" She said handing me my skate and we started towards the school "But, I'm telling you, you have to stand up to those people or they will never learn!" 

At that I kept quiet, because even if I did stand up I didn't even know what I would say. Fiona was fierce, I was only me. 

"So, you want to sleep over today?" Fi asked already changing the subject. 

She was just as much as a reject as me, but she was only one for hanging out with me, after all Fiona was tall, blonde with blue eyes and I was short, petite, brunette with brown eyes... 

"Can't, today is Penny bachelorette party." I answered giving her an apologetic look. 

Once the day finally ended after loads more of teasing I prepared myself to leave. 

"Have fun in Vegas!" Fi yelled as I left making me laugh. 

Penny was taking Kenzie, some of her friends, and I to Vegas, really? Me, in Las Vegas? 

As soon as I got home a little figure came and hugged my legs. 

"Hi, Auntie Kim!" The little boy said while trying to climb me to get to my arms. 

The little boy had brown eyes that he got from his mom and blond hair that he got from his dad. 

"Hi, Declan!" I smiled while picking my nephew up. 

"Auntie Kim..." The four year old started while playing with my hair. "Daddy said I can't go with him and Uncle Hunter to their party, but you will let me go with you to Auntie Penny's right?" 

"Of course! I'll let you go, but you have to ask Kenzie, ok?" I smiled 

"Ok, I'll ask mommy!" He smiled brighter. 

I could never say no to this boy, let Mackenzie tell her son he can't go. I laughed silently. 

Once I passed the living room Declan was talking to Kenzie, who was glaring at me as Penny tapped her clock telling me to hurry up. 

I ran up the stairs and got out of the baggy clothes that I usually used for school and into a normal pair of ripped jeans and a yellow tank top that said 'I'll try being nicer when you try being smarter!'. I picked up my backpack that was already made since last night from my bed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. 

"Ready!" I yelled down the stairs and I heard my sister and her friends squealing. 

In two hours we were in a bar in a casino in Vegas, all Penny's friends were doing those stupid bride games and I was just watching. 

Kenz came with two shot glasses and sat next to me. 

"You know, I always thought you would get married before Penny..." Kenz said while watching Penny laugh with her friends. 

"As if!" I snorted. 

"Come on, Kim, gulp them down!" She motioned to the shots in front of me and I frowned "You've been 18 for one whole week now and you haven't done anything crazy! Chug them down!" 

She laughed and I shrugged while doing as she said... 


(This Chapter was edited by ReadWriteMusic)


This story was the idea of Priya Chace, she wrote the first chapter and decided not to write anymore, but she gave me the right to continue since it's an awesome idea!

Please comment and vote and tell me what you think, please!!

Ow and at the side that's a pic of how Kim looks next chapter i'll post one of Chase next!

Eat ice cream it warms the heart!


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