Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chase POV

Coach blew his whistle and we were dismissed. I headed back to the locker rooms.

It had been five days since me and Kim. And I had to say that I was growing to really enjoy that girl's company, not that she would ever know.

"Day dreaming about the wifey?" Will joke while slapping the back of my head. If he only knew...

I really wanted to take a shower quickly and go home. Today it wasn't raining so Kim skated home by herself and that just wasn't safe, neither was skating...

Shut up brain, stop being so paranoid, she is fine. And you have no business worrying about her!

It was too bad that she would never forgive me for what I've done to her in the past, because I was really starting to think that she was one of a kind. I had never known a girl like her. I threw at her my lamest jokes and my cheesiest lines and she just laughed it off, she didn't giggle all the time like those sluts who aren't even hearing what you are really saying and she didn't get all shocked when I said some sexual comment, she just laughed it all off. She had a good sense of humor, she laughed when something was funny, but not at everything. She didn't agree with me in everything which proved she cared.

I was now changing after my shower and I realized that I was day dreaming about that girl. Only Rick was still there with me and only because he was my best friend.

"Dude!" He yelled snapping me out of it "I already told everyone that the party tonight is at your place."

Wait, what? No!

"Can't man!"

"Every Friday you always throw a party!" Rick looked shocked.

"Not this Friday. Kim is there." I explained.

"Right, Kimberly..." Rick said as if he forgot it. "The party is happening dude. Tell her to wear something nice and invite that hot friend of hers... Phoebe? And dude, you shouldn't worry so much about Kimberly Thomas. She will never care for you after the way you've treated her. Normal girls like gentlemen and we both know you are not one." He laughed.

But just maybe she would, because Kim wasn't a normal girl like he said... Who am I kidding! She wasn't a normal girl, but not even she would forgive and forget what I have done.

He got to his car and I headed to mine. Kim so wasn't going to that party tonight! She wasn't cut out for it.

It was funny, when I first started picking on her I did it because my friends thought it was cool and I choose her because she was an easy target, she was shy and quiet and she never said anything back, which after a while only made me feel worst about picking on her, but by the time I realized what I was doing people had already realized what an easy target she was and because of me her life at school became hell.

I destroyed her life, but still when she was away from me for two hours like today I already found myself missing the little things she did. The way she played with her fingers when she was nervous, the way she had smelled like me since she got to my house (and she hadn't made any signs of wanting to buy her own shampoo), the way she laughed, her shirts, the way she played with her ring from time to time and her legs... I really loved those legs.

I got home quickly and headed up, opening the door silently I could see Kimmy on the couch, she was in my Duke sweatshirt and knee high rainbow socks.

I smiled to myself.

She was lying on the couch watching TV and trying to throw popcorn into the air and get it with her mouth; therefore there was a bunch in the ground since she wasn't succeeding. Normally I was a neat guy, I didn't like things messy, but I didn't mind the mess Kim made out of everything and believe me that was a lot of mess! According to her 'if it doesn't look lived in it's probably because you're not living right'.

Surprise, Surprise! I guess this makes you my wife.-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now