Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Two things I was sure of (and they had nothing to do with vampires):

One- My Life was over!

Two- I was hyperventilating!

"Omg! Omg! Omg! Chase Duncan! Chase freaking Duncan! Today is my sister's wedding and she probably doesn't even know where I am! And I'm freaking married to Chase Duncan! And omg! One week ago me getting married wasn't even legal! And you're Chase Duncan!" I said really fast.

"Why do you insist on calling me Chase Duncan?" He sighted while getting up and putting his hands on my shoulders "Kimberly, breathe! In and out... Slowly..."

Once his hands touched my arm I felt my heart slowing down and I was able to breathe again just like he said.

He looked at me in the eyes and for a moment I was flying in a pool of light blue sky, but his voice broke me out of my trance.

"You're going to go to your sister's wedding today, and then tomorrow you're meeting me at my house okay? I'm gonna figure this out! You just chill, okay? You with me Kim? " He asked me in such a nice way that for a second I forgot why being married to this particular guy was like hell to me.

I shook those thoughts and nodded to him. He was fixing this and everyone at school knew that Chase Duncan got what he wanted! Everything would be alright. He leaned down and stuffed something into my hand; I looked down and remembered that this guy was Satan in disguise. In my hand was my crumpled up dress that my sister's made me put on as soon as we got here, the clear sign of 'now get the f*ck out'.

I only shrugged; I hated Chase Duncan and wasn't dying to spend more time with him.

With my dress in hands I went out of the room just to find out that I was in the same hotel as my sisters and that they were just a couple of floors down! Great! God! I pray they don't know what I've been up to last night!

I got into the elevator with a couple of maids and they acted as if it was perfectly normal for girls to be in elevators at eight in the morning wearing only a guy's shirt, I didn't know if that was a relieve or should I feel offended by their behavior, but then again, this is Vegas...

I got to my floor and headed to our room, glad that everyone was passed out, in the strangest positions, but passed out all around the room.

I quickly got my normal clothes from over the dresser and slipped into my ripped jeans and cool t-shirt. I tied my hair into a ponytail, brushed my teeth, slipped my newest ring into my pocket and started to convince myself that everything was normal.

I went back into the room and saw my two big sisters sleeping together in the king sized bed in the middle of the room (that had a mirror in the ceiling opposite to it and don't ask me why!). I went to them and lowered my head so it was right between the two of them, next to their ears to be exact.

"Wake up sleeping beauties!" I yelled and they jumped.

"Urgh!" Kenzie complained while rubbing her eyes.

Penny opened her mouth to complain but she froze and then squealed loudly waking up the rest of her friends.

"I'm getting married today!" She squealed again and her friends squealed together. Like, really?

If you can't guess Penny was a cheerleader all through high school and through collage.

My stomach did a weird flip at the word 'marriage' and I felt like crying, but I gulped my tears down. And for the first time I put on a fake smile on for my sisters.

"Yeah, it's awesome!" I pretended to be excited with them "My big sis it getting hitched!"

Kenz laughed at this a bit, but she got quickly into her bride's maid's humor almost instantaneity.

"We're late! We are going to have to skip breakfast... But we have two hours to get home to Utah and then half an hour to rest. Hair and nails appointments at 11:30 and at 15 o'clock the dress will be delivered and at 17 o'clock we should be getting to the church!" Kenzie freaked while everybody squealed and got their things and we headed to the lobby to check out.

My stomach again did a back flip, but this one would sure have won the Olympic gold medal.

One of the older maids smiled secretively at me as I went out with my sister as if she knows what I had been up to last night and I REALLY hope she didn't...


(This Chapter was edited by ReadWriteMusic)

Okay, this is only a filler okay?

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And Eat ice cream it warms the heart


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