Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chase's POV

It was a funny sight. Kim was giving the dog a bath and the thing was throwing a lot of water at her. Now she was soaking wet and I was laughing while leaning against the bathroom's doorframe. There were bubbles everywhere and Kim was giggling at the dog. She looked gorgeous.

That was when my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Liam, but after today's lunch I didn't want to talk to him. BUT on the other side he is my brother and at least I get to yell at him for being rude to Kimmy.

I moved to the living room to pick up the phone leaving Kimmy trying to dry the thing with a towel, but it wouldn't stop jumping on her (lucky dog).

"Chase?" I heard my brother on the other end of the line.

"Yup." I answered shortly.

"Great! I wasn't sure if you would pick up." He said brightening up a bit.

"Yeah, yeah. What do you want, Liam?"

"Oh, you're mad..." Liam brightly deduced.

"No shit Sherlock!" I rolled my eyes "What was up with you today at lunch, man?"

"Sorry, but you know how things have been with me! The kid is killing me and I don't want what happened to me and Jean to happen to you!" He said.

That is right, my kid brother got a girl knocked up when he was 13, 13 for f*ck sake! And the girl, Jean, had the kid and ran for the hills leaving Liam to be Ben's single parent AT 13! He's now 16 and Ben is 3, but it hasn't gotten any easier on him. Don't get me wrong he loves his son, but he has dealt with more than some 20 year old have in their entire lives. I guess his concern for me could be understood if we were talking about any other girl and not Kimmy.

"She's nothing like Jean. Jean was pretending to be little miss perfect from day one. Kim is far from perfect. You just have to get to know her for who she is." I explained a little bit calmer.

Kim wasn't Jean; She was too original to be someone else.

"How can you be sure?" Liam asked, true curiosity showing on his voice.

"It's just a simple fact." I answered with the truth. "Giver her a chance, please? Come tomorrow! You can bring Ben!"

"Ok, I'll give her a chance. But, Chase, you know dad won't. No matter if she is mother Theresa dad won't give her a chance."

I don't know why it was so important for me that Liam like Kim (or maybe that Kim likes Liam), but I know that I don't care if my dad likes her or not, his loss.

Man, I'm whipped.

"Fine by me!" I said angrier than I planned and sighed "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." Liam said and we hung up at the same time.

I think I was talking with Liam for a long time, because when I peeked through Kim's door she was already fast asleep, with the little dog lying on the foot of her bed. The thing raised its head as soon as I walked in and started shaking its tail.

"Stay!" I whispered/commanded and the dog immediately sat back down.

Huh? If it can be trained maybe he is ok.

I went into the room and covered one of her amazing legs that had escaped from under the covers.

The dog didn't even move. Good dog!

Kim's POV

I woke up the nest day feeling happier than I felt in awhile. I felt like something great was going to happen today. I got out of bed, but Charlie wasn't where I left him. The baby dog was probably somewhere else in the house.

I skipped to the kitchen, got myself a Pepsi and went to the living room to see the weirdest sight ever.

Chase was on the couch talking to his brother, who was here for god knows why, but at his feet was Charlie sitting straight as if he was trying to mimic the way Chase was sitting.

His brother? What was Liam doing here?

Self-consciously I tugged on the big sweatshirt that barely covered me.

"Hey?" I said uncomfortably.

For the first time since I met him, Liam, the guy who looked, acted and dressed way too old for his age looked young, well at least his own age. Why? Because he was doing what boys his age do: Perving (to bed in that equation I was the subject)! His eyes got wide while he looked me over earning him a slap in the back of his head from Chase.

"Hi, Kimberly! I never got to introduce myself properly yesterday. I'm Liam. Sorry I snapped at you, it's just that the kid was driving me crazy and I was dead tired."

"The kid?"

"Ben, my son." He told me casually and I didn't know what to say.

This guy was 16 tops and for a kid that's way too young.

I looked over to Chase who got the hint quickly.

"Yeah, Ben is three. He is sleeping in my room right now, so you can meet him later." Chase started talking.

"Great!" I said truthfully and both the boys grinned back, but not before Liam's eyes ranked over my body one more time "I better change..."

Liam and Chase both looked disappointed at that. Ha, they were so much alike!

I slipped into denim black shorts and my favorite hot pink shirt that said 'I'll try being nicer when you try being smarter'. I know I should be dressing to make Liam like me, but to tell you the truth I think he'll like the real me better.

I went back to the living room and sat next to Chase and Charlie came to my feet. Uncomfortable silence settled for a bit until Liam decided to break it.

"So yesterday you said you skate?"

"A bit."

"Can you do a switch kickflip?" He asked getting into the subject.

"Ha! As if! I tried once and ended up with my arm and my leg in a cast for a month!"

"I can teach you sometime! I used to skate a lot and before I could do it, if I'm not rusty I may still be able to do it!"

We talked for awhile, Liam was actually pretty funny and we had a lot of common interests, I could tell he would be a great friend of mine and I could tell he needed me to be his friend too. I think he had almost forgotten how it feels to be a kid.

He went to check on Ben and I looked at Chase who was looking at me, not glaring and not spazzing out, just looking at me as if I was I puzzle he couldn't quite figure out.

I felt a smile creep up my lips and my heart did this weird back flip!

Wait! This feeling in my chest...

Oh crap! I'm falling for Chase Duncan!


(This Chapter was edited by ReadWriteMusic)

Hello poeple of earth!!

i just wanted to let you guys know that you've all been wating for might just happen next chapter, but don't tell anyone i said anything!

I also wanted to thank everyone for the amazing support and for all the people who have been talking to me trough the chat (if you haven't you should! I love new friends!)!

I hope this chapter was worth the waiting, though i think it was more of a filler than anything else...

And does anyone wants to make a cover? Just private message me and we'll talk! I really need one since i made the current one myself and it's a bit crappy...

Eat ice cream it warms the heart!

Kisses Bea!

Ps. Is anyone else physiched about Easter? Chocolate here i come!

Pss (or pps whatever) Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. This is not my first language!

Surprise, Surprise! I guess this makes you my wife.-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now