Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was leaning against the kitchen counter sipping my Pepsi (I think coke tastes a bit funny) the next day already ready to school. I was in my usual baggy clothes when Chase came into the kitchen.

"What are you drinking?" He asked sleepily.

Did I mention he was in his pj's? Or should I say in his pj's pants? And did I mention what his abs looked like? Like yummy if you want to know.

"Normally I would charge for people to look at me the way you are looking, but since you're technically my wife I'm gonna let it slide." He said cockily.

I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Jerk! Consider it pay back for the way you were looking at my legs last night." I tried to hide my embarrassment. "And I'm having breakfast."

"A Pepsi is breakfast?" He laughed while getting a red bull out of the fridge.

"Sure, it's caffeine without the funny taste of coffee. And you think so too! You're drinking soda with caffeine." I mentioned to his red bull.

"Coffee gives you that coffee breath that is horrible. And this is an energy drink." He says.

"I know!" I laugh a bit and he laughs.

He stopped and looked me over.

"Are you wearing that to school?" He made a face at my baggy clothes.

"I always wear this to school." I say confused.

"I'm guessing you use those baggy clothes to hide that awesome body of yours because you don't like the attention, but, seriously Kim, today everyone is going to know you are married. Since it is to me no dude will come up to you. So go change, taking last night for example I can tell that you don't really like those big clothes."

I think that my brain really didn't work right on mornings because I was having actual fun with Chase Duncan.

"Conceited much?" I joked, but after a bit of fake arguing I went to change.

I changed into a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a black tank top that had the picture of a little blond girl glaring , above the picture it said 'If I were you I wouldn't be mean to me' and under it said 'I know Santa.'

I went out of the room again and found Chase in the living room.

"You know you have the weirdest shirts I've ever seen." He laughed while getting up.

"Hey! I love my shirts!!" I complained, but at the same time I was laughing.

"Come on, or we will be late." He said while picking up his keys and I got my skate that I had left by the door last night. He noticed me picking it up. "Come on! I'll drive you!"

"No! I like skating to school!" I complained and he looked at me skeptically.

"You like skating all the way up to school, which is almost all the way up." He laughed.

"I really do! It is my me time that I have every day." I explained.

"Your me time? Are you forty?" He asked while opening the door and stepping aside for me to step out first.

I walked out while sticking my tongue out at him.

"Ow, no, I was wrong! You are the perfect mix between a forty year oldand a five year old!" He laughed.

I put my skate on the floor getting ready to skate off.

"And don't you forget it!" I yelled while taking off.

Surprise, Surprise! I guess this makes you my wife.-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now