John Deacon ~ Smiling through the tears

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It was an stormy night, you were at home sitting on the couch watching a sad movie. Your beloved boyfriend John was away at some concert, it was nearby so you were expecting him home.

You waited and you waited, you saw every hour pass by untill it was 4 in the morning, you yawned, wondering when your boyfriend was ever coming home.

He had been doing this lately, coming home very late after the concerts, even if you went with him on tour, he would always come back later from the performance. And the times he did come back early, he would always want to go to the music room. His aura felt a little bit off lately.

But finally you heard the door open, you whipped your head around to look at the door entrance "Hiya, love, I waited for you all night, was the concert fun?" You asked John, he tried to close the umbrella, not looking at you "t'was alright" he numbly answered while continuing to fumbling with the umbrella.

You stood up from the couch walking over to him, you took the umbrella from his hands and softly closed it, you looked up to him to still see him looking at the umbrella you just closed.

You grabbed his chin with your hands to make you look at him "What is going on Deaky?" you softly asked him while looking him in the eyes, "you have been quite different lately, is anything going on with you?" he closed his eyes and sighed

You almost didn't want to say it, tears starting to brim in your eyes "Am I doing something wrong Johnny?" you dropped your hand from his chin and took a step back, that gave you his attention, he was now looking at you.

Tears were now starting to brim in his eyes as well "I'm sorry Y/N" he was playing with his he was nervous, you immediately assumed he cheated on you.

Tears started to roll down your cheeks, "Sorry for what John?" you harshly asked him, he sighed again "Sorry for what?!" you repeated at again

He still said nothing closing his eyes, "Sorry for what Deacon! Tell me what you are sorry for!" you screamed at him tears now falling down because of the frustration "I'm sorry because I don't love you anymore! I am sorry that I cannot give you the love that you deserve!" He screamed back at you

You looked at him in disbelief "What?" you whispered, "I cannot give you the love anymore that I used to be able to give you" he now quietly said

He walked over to you and held your shoulders with his hands, trying to look you in the eye, you were staring far of in the distance, thinking about what he said, you were right, something was off with him.

"Y/N" he called your name, you looked him in the eye "I will always love you, you were the one that taught me how to love and I will always be grateful for that, but I just cannot give you what you need and deserve" he said while tears were falling down his face. He quickly pulled you in his arms after he said that.

You both sank to the ground, both sobbing now "But you don't need to give me that kind of love Deaky, you are enough for me" you said while looking up at him again, his hand went to your face to stroke your cheekbone.

"I know Y/N and that is why I am making this decision for you, because I know you would always put me first, I am putting you first now" he said while looking at you "Can you at least stay with me for now?"

"Of course Y/N" he said while smiling through the tears.


Well that was my first sad Imagine ever! I hope that I did it right! Thank you @micabella1231 for requesting it!

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