Ben Hardy ~ Sexy as hell

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Your night was going to be perfect with your friends! You hadn't seen them in months and was very exited to see them again.


It was going to be almost perfect.

The sight of your boyfriend sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand wasn't the most pleasn't sight.

"Hey Ben" You said while looking at him, he simply waved at you. You sighed, he wasn't even going to look at you!

You hitched your skirt up higher and pulled your cleavage lower, "hey Ben? What do you think of my outfit?" He paused the tv, to look at you.

He looked at you and his eyes widened, "What? You're going out like that?" he said with a moody voice. "Yeah, since my boyfriend won't pay attention to me, I'll just wear this!" You stomped on the ground like a bratty child.

You walked away to get your heals, while walking away you hitched your skirt lower and fixed your cleavage.

You heard Ben walking behind you, "babe I'm sorry, I'm just a bit moody because I can't come" you turned around and saw him pouting. He opened up his arms.

Come on how can you not resist that look on his face!

You walked in to his arms and gave him a hug, "I know Ben, but we have been together at all the time the last few months, while I have only seen them on facetime"

You looked up at him "Still..." you glared at him "Besides none of the girls their boyfriends will be coming, so why should you?"

He laughed "Calm down woman, I get it, just go have a fun night" he gave you a nice loving peck on the lips.

While walking away from him to go get your jacket, you felt his eyes staring at your back, or rather, your behind "Ben, Would you please stop looking at my arse?" you asked him while looking at him.

He smirked at your comment "What? You'd rather want me to touch it?"He said while slowly walking towards you, a smug look on his face, his hands grabbing towards your waist.

You sighed "You're not making it any easier for me to leave, you know that right?" his hands were going lower and lower, while he was licking is lips"Well I guess I am doing my job alright then"

Then he started to grope your arse, you gasped "Ben! I really have to go now", you were keeping your arms on his arms with the thought of pushing him away.

His face moved down to the side of your neck, your breathing quickened, his breath fanned over your neck, he then moved is face up to your ear "I think the girls can wait a little bit longer" He whispered in your ear. 

You smirked at the idea that just popped in to your head, you moved one of your hands towards his jaw to direct his face closely to yours, "You thinks so?" you asked him seductively, he nodded eagerly, your hand went down to his growing buldge, you groped it just like he did with your arse.

Then you pushed him away and went to walk away "I don't think so mister Hardy!" you laughed as you walked away to finally get your jacket, you heard him laugh behind you, "Have fun babe! You look sexy as hell!"

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