Roger Taylor ~ Crowd pleaser

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Summary: You are famous in this story, and you and Roger are secretly dating.

Wordcount: 700+

A/n: ^The dress you are wearing.

I sat in my car, looking through the black tinted glass. I saw a lot of cars and people rushing by, because of the speed that the car went.

"-so that is what you have to do for tonight, (Y/N)? Are you even listening to me?" The sound of my manager finally came to me.

"Yes?" I more asked then stated.

He tilted his head in reponse, "So what did I just say?"

"That I have to watch out for, eh, muggers?"

"What? That's not even closd to what I said, and, muggers?" He started getting angry with me.

Then the car came to a stop, I saw all the photograhpers, and a beautiful red carpet.

"Relax, I've got this, I have done this a bunch of times, trust me" I smoothed down my dress, and walked outside.

"Have a great night Charles! Enjoy your free night, go get a good shag or something" I told him while standing before the door opening of the car.

All the camera's were now turning to me. Even camera's from the red carpet went my way. I put my signature smile on, and waved to the camera's.

One of the men that were working here came up to me and told me where to stand, and for how long

I slowly walked to the red carpet, lights flashing in my eyes, I could barely see anything.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Is it true that you're secretly married?"

"(Y/N), do you have a secret relationship with Roger Taylor?

Ignoring the weird quistions, I gave my signature smile as I looked around the place. Next to me I saw a group of guys standing on the carpet. Laughing at each other.

These guys, who I soon reconised to be Queen, stopped laughing and also focused on the camera's.

Then I locked eyes with Roger. Damn that gorgeous smile.

I waved at him, and all the photograhpers went crazy when I did that. Everyone that was standing outside at the red carpet came to look at me.

I saw in the corner of my eye that Freddie was pointing at me, I had no idea what he was saying.

I put my hands on my hips and posed for the camera's. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand slip over my waist.

Of course, that startled me, when I looked to my left to see who it was, I saw Roger.

That bloody bastard.

"E'llo love" I looked up at him with amazement. He was the one who didn't want to go public. I would have loved to go public, but he just didn't want to go public yet.

And now here he is smiling for the camera, with his arm around my waist. Camera lights almost blinding us.

"I thought you didn't want to go public" I said through my camera smile.

"Opinions change" He shrugged off.

"Give her a kiss Roger!" I heard some of the photograhpers screaming.

Of course, that bloody bastard gave me a kiss on my cheek.

I mumbled "Crowd pleaser" while still smiling.

We moved down the red carpet, and went over to some people to get interviewed.

"Hi, I'm from the BBC, and the question that everbody has been wanting to ask is, are you here together as a couple?" The rather dully asked.

"I'm sorry, we don't like the BBC, and this important question will be answered on another show, have a great day" Roger rudely said.

He led me to another interviewer, still having his hand on my waist.

"Hi! I'm Derik, and there's this thing, that everyone has been dying to know, since you began walking on the red carpet this evening" He very happily asked.

"Well go on love!" I encouraged him.

"Are you two here as a couple? Are you finally dating each other?" He finally asked.

"Unfortunately, we are" I answered

"Ah love you're joking!" jokingly asked me

"Of course I am" And then I leant over to give him a kiss on his cheek, while he lovingly looked down at me

Let's just say, that was one of the most amazing nights, I've ever had.

A/n: This is not my favorite story, but I wanted to get something out for you guys, hope you enjoyed! And you can always give me request!

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