Roger Taylor ~ Goodmornin' love

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Summary: This is about how the reader misses Roger. And then you dream about him. And you'll have to read the rest ;).

Wordcount: 1k+

Dear Diary,

My heart is aching for Roger, I miss him terribly. All I want to do is cuddle with him. And if I'm not allowed to do that, can I at least talk to him!

Yes, talk to him. He has not called yet. And of course I can't call him because moving phone's don't exist!

That would be super though! Just imagine, you could carry your phone anywhere, without having to plug it.

If that was possible I would be talking to Roger right now. But it isn't. So I'm not talking to Roger right now.

I wonder what he is doing. Maybe he is rehearsing songs with the band. Or maybe he is partying.

Maybe he is dancing with a girl that is not me.

Okay, I know I should trust him. And I do! But there will always be the thought of him cheating on me. Because he is so far away.

Let's just not think about that.

Well, I'll be off to bed now, write to you later!

~ (Y/N) (Y/L/N)

I got up from my chair, and walked into my room. I put my diary in its hiding spot. And I walked over to my closet.

I open the drawer of my closet. Searching for my pajamas.

'Where are they! I can't seem to find them' You thought.

While looking for them, I stumbled upon a shirt of Roger.

I picked it up and smelled it. It smelled just like Roger. Peppermint amd nicotine

I took of my clothing, and put Rogers shirt on.

I looked at my alarm clock to see if I could still read a bit of my book.

But it was already late, I had to go to work tomorrow.

I walked over to my bed, and opened the sheats, to lay in them.

I cuddled into the sheets. Finding warmth and comfort in them. And soon enough I drifted away

All of a sudden I was standing in a room. A very loud one, I heard a lot voices everywhere. Then people started to appear, and I quickly noticed which room it was-

"E'llo love, I saw you standing here all by yourself, I thought I'd make a chat with you"

I looked up to see someone talking to you. My boyfriend Roger. I remember this moment, this was the moment when-

"You're not much of a talker are you? I'm Roger" He took his hand out for you to shake, so I took it.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you"

This was the moment that we met. Oh how I missed his face.

"You're the drummer from the band smile right?"

"That's right" he paused for a bit "what do you say, let's get out of here" I nodded and he took my hand, beginning to walk outside. I followed him.

Once we were outside he spoke up.

"It's much better out here isn't it?"

"It is, I've never really liked party's" said while leaning against the wall of the bar.

"Why's that?" He said while joining me against the wall.

"Bad expierence? I don't really know"

I looked up to see him already staring at me. I gave him a kind smile. What's the deal with this guy?

"Well, all I know is that bad memories shouldn't ruin your fun. Find other ways to make fun, maybe, get laid?" He said while winking at me showing a smirk.

I laughed at that,

"Maybe, I can think of other things than getting laid"

"Oh? Care to enlighten me on that? Because I hardly know anything better than getting a good shag" He actually looked curious, he surely is a womaniser.

"Getting to know new people?" I raised your eyebrows at him "Making new friends, that will stick with you until the end".

"Well love, go on you, just met me" He told me.

"But will you stick with me until the end?" I asked him, jokingly of course.

But he took it seriously.

He grabbed my hand, put his fingers on my palms, and kissed the back of my hand, tingles erupting all over my hand now. He looked up to me has he spoke up, still having is lips on my hand.

"I'll stick with you until the end"

I giggled at that, I mean, come on! A drop dead gorgeous guy told you that he would spend forever with you! Even if he isn't telling the truth it is still heart warming.

He smirked up to me.

Okay two can play at this game.

I placed my other hand on his cheek. Cupping it.

He looked at me intensly, I stared right in to his eyes. I leaned forward, so did he, and then-

Nudge nudge

What the hell,

Nudge nudge

That was such a good dream! Roger was actually there!

I snuggled more into the person next to me hoping that the dream would return.

Alass, it didn't.

Wait, I snuggled into someone?

I slowly opened my eyes, the only thing I'm seeing is a chest.

I smelled, peppermint and nicotine?


"Goodmornin' love"

I shot out of bed, to see the real, - not the dream - Roger Taylor laying in my bed. My heart raced.

"Y-you're back?" You asked him still in shock.

"What kind of reaction is that, love? I expected you to jump in my arms and kiss me-" I shutted him up by kissing me. At first he didn't kiss back, probably from shock, but eventually he did. I felt tingles all over my body, fireworks exploding.

I felt him smirking against my lips.

His hands grabbed my waist, as I turned us over so I was on top of him, while not breaking the kiss. Our lips molded perfectly together, like they were made for each other.

Unfortunately we had to break apart. I stared in to his eyes while straddeling him.

"After so many years of being together, you can still make me feel this way (Y/L/N), it's indescribeable" He said dreamily while tucking some hair behind my ear.

My hand trailed over his jawline, up to his lips. I felt my hand just tingle by touching it, I can't believe what he could be feeling right now.

"Same here Taylor"

And then you leaned in to kiss again.

This was going to be a long morning.

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