Another One Bites The Dust - John Deacon

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What's going on?




I sighed, what was John doing now? I walked over to the door, opened it and went to the stair case  "John love! I know you're an serious musician and all, but could you please just tone it down a bit?" I shouted down the stairs.


I sighed, hoping he would stop after I asked him to, I walked back to my desk and continued on with my work. 

And not even a few seconds later



"That's it! I'm going down!" I hastily stood up and began walking downstairs to his little music room, when all of a sudden al the lights turned off.

"John what did you do now" I opened up the door in his music room to find him with his amplifier in hand, sheepishly he looked at me.

"Uh well you see, I tried to uhh, connect my bass to the amplifier, and it didn't work" he said while talking very fast, "So uh, I tried everything to make it work, because I just figured out a new bass line, but then I think the power went out" He looked very upset that he couldn't play his bass line, almost sad enough that I felt bad for him.

I said almost.

"JOHN! You bloody moron! Ask me first before doing anything with the power!! You know that, my dad's an electrician" I shouted at him, "I'm sorry Y/N! But I just really didn't want to forget the line!"

"Then write it down you idiot!" A look of fear washed over his face and he immediatly searched for a peace of paper.

I walked down to the electician cabinet to see if I could fix it, which of course, the part that I needed was very high, which I couldn't reach.

All of a sudden I felt a presence behind me, John put his hands on my waist "Need some help love?"

"No! I don't need it! Just focus on getting that stupid bass line down" I said while still trying to reach it, knowing that I probably never would be able to.

John reached over my shoulder with his right hand and grabbed the cable I was needing, "here you go love" he handed my the cable and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.

"thanks.." I mumbled, he grinned at me "You wanna hear the stupid bass line?" I nodded, he took my hand and led me to the couch in his music room, I sat down and waited for him to get ready. 

He put his bass strap around him and started playing a tune. It was quite catchy, he mumbled a few words with it "m m m, another one bites the dust"

Impressed I looked at him "That's great love, have the boys already taken a listen to it?" I asked him, "No, not yet, I wanted you to hear it first" he grinned at me, I slowly walked over to him and put the bass behind his back, I sat down on his lap "Well I really love it, gives me kinda disco vibes right?" he put his hands on my waist

He stared lovingly up to me "Yeah it does love" he moved one of his hands up to my face, "I love you" He said.

I cupped one of his cheeks as well "I love you to Deaky"

Authors note: Midway during the story, I forgot that John Deacon was studying to become a car technician I believe? So he probably would have been able to solve problem. Oh well!

I hope you're all save during these dangerous times! Thought I would give you an update against the boredom. Stay save!

Love, UptownGirl004

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