Freddie Mercury ~ Studio days

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You were walking down the streets of London with a paper brown bag, that was warm, because there were freshly baked pastries in the bag.

You looked around the city, it was quite lively, a lot of people were walking around, happily talking to each other, nobody noticed you, you could just walk the street without anybody noticing you.

Oh how would that be diffrent if Freddie was by your side, everybody would always take a second glance to see if it really was the lead singer of Queen.

Even though the sky looked quite dull, the city was as bright as ever, you just loved walking around London, looking at people, as creepy as it sounds.

You pulled your wrist up, to take a look at your watch.


Yeah, you thought that they could use some brunch. Freddie told you that the band was going to pull an alnighter, you thought that it would be nice to give them some food.

You looked around to see if you were almost near the studio, then you saw the building where the studio was situated in.

You walked over to the building an opened the door. Your eardrums were blasted away, their music was always so loud.

Just because they were used to it doesn't mean you were used to it as wel.

"Bloody hell! Tone it down please!" You shouted through the studio, you walked through the studio and placed the brown bag on the coffee table while you sat down on the couch.

You heard stomping and then the door was opened and Brian came out

"Hello (Y/N)" Brian greeted you while picking up some pastry's from the brown paper bag "Hi Brian, is recording going wel?" 

"It's going alright darling thanks for asking" You heard your boyfriend Freddie tell you, he walked over you and gave you a hug, he looked you in the face and gave you a quick peck on your mouth.

That tingly feeling never went away when he did that.

Then Roger and John entered the room, both greeting you "So everything 's going alright? Wrote any songs about me?" You asked Freddie while you looped your arms around his neck, staring into his eyes.

"Oh ya have no idea Y/N" Roger told you, while rolling his eyes, "Oh really? Can I hear it?"

"Of course darling, come here," Freddie pulled you into the seat in front of the control panel

He looked at you and he started explaining "So we did one verse already, not quite done, but here it is" he pushed some buttons and then music errupted from the speakers.

You heard a familier tune come up, a piano part that you heard quite a lot in your home.

"Each morning I get up I die a little, can barely stand on my feet" Background voices errupted next to Freddie lead vocals.

You listened with the band until the 'song' ended. "What do you think Y/N?" John asked you.

You looked around the studio and told him "I love it" Everyone whooped and thanked you. Freddie looking at you with love in his eyes.

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