Brian May ~ Jealous

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The music was playing loud when you entered the pub, you were going to the pub with your boyfriend Brian May, you were celebrating his first album release with his band called Queen.

You held his hand as you made your way in, Brian offered to take your coat of when you saw the coat racks, he gently took it from you and hung both your coats of, "Thank you love" you said while holding his chin, giving him a peck on the cheek.

The pub you were at was very alive, people dancing and singing along to the music, people standing near the bar having a drink, you looked back Brian to see him scanning the crowd, probably looking for his bandmates, he noticed you looking at him and looked down at you, yes down, Brian is a very tall man "Have you seen them yet?" you shook your head.

"How about I go get us a drink and you go and find the guys, alright?" he asked you, while leaning down to your ear so you could hear him properly, "Sure love" you sweetly told him, he squeezed your waist and gave you a peck on the cheek and then began to walk away to the bar.

You scanned the pub again trying to look for his fellow bandmates, when you all of a sudden felt a hand on your waist, you looked behind your shoulder to see that it was Roger, "Hiya love, have you finally arrived?" he asked you, you could smell the alcohol on his breath, you and Brian were a bit late, so they probably already began drinking.

You quickly gave him a hug "Hi Roger, yeah we just arrived, I couldn't find the right outfit" he laughed at your response, "Well you look good Y/N" you smiled at him, gave him a quick "Thank you"

You looked behind him to see the other bandmates with Brian, he already found them, you tugged on Roger's arm to take him with you to the others, he slipped his arm around your waist and walked with you towards the guys.

Brian quickly noticed the arm around your waist, not liking the fact that Roger was always so touchy with you "Hi everyone!" you brightly said. Everyone said a quick hello.

"Doesn't Y/N look great Brian? No wonder you guys are late" Roger winked at Brian, by this time Brian was fuming and clenching his hands and you noticed, you quickly left the arms of Roger and went into Brian's arms, you kissed his cheek "what did you get me Bri?"

He looked at you more calmy now "A Blue Lagoon love "he said a little bit bitter, "Oh! my favourite thank you!" Brian slipped his arm around your waist while you went to sit down on a high bar chair, Roger was still looking at you and not very subtle.

Brian May wasn't a jealous man, he almost never got jealous, but Roger could just piss him off. You took Brian's chin into your hands and turned his head to look up at you, you closed your eyes and softly put your lips to his, it grew a little bit rougher, to show Roger who you belong to.

After you were done making out, you pulled away, looking at Brian whose cheeks were now bright red "I love you and only you, don't worry Brian" you said while giving him another peck.

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