Freddie Mercury!Daughter ??? x OC ~ I love you Tessie

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Summary: You are a big musical writer, this musical movie that you were going to make is going to be the biggest one yet.
The greatest showman.
Where did you get the idea? Your life. The times that you were sad. Mad. In love. All the things. People said you were just as musical as your dad. Freddie Mercury

A/n: I'm going to be using an actual name instead of y/n. In this story Freddie died November 24 2000, just so the story makes sense. And remember this is fiction, I can make it anyway I like. And of course I respect Freddie.

Warning! Someone dying.


3rd person P.O.V.
1985 16th Of August
On this day Freddie Mercury and Katherine Knight gave birth to their daughter, Tessie Melody Katherine Mercury. Otherwise known as Tess Mercury.

Katherine got pregnant with Freddie after a one night stand they had a while ago. They both decided to keep the baby. And of course, Freddie wanted to name hers so he named her Tessie, in honour if him. Katherine lost to much blood after giving birth to Tessie. She was able to say goodbye to her daughter and her father.

Freddie promosed to always take care of her. After the death of Katherine, Freddie and Jim got together.

3rd person P.O.V.
1995 25th of February.

"Papa look! It's snowing!" The youngest Mercury shouted at her biological father.

Her father smiled at her, she was so innocent and happy.

"Can we go outside Papa? Together with Daddy?" The child asked, she referred with Daddy to her stepdad, or otherwise known as her second dad, Jim Hutton. She absolutely adored the man.

I mean, Freddie couldn't agree more, he loved Hutton with all his heart. But allas, on his list of the people he loved the most, he came on third place, on number two the love of his life, Mary Austin. And on number one Tessie Mercury, the light of his life, his sunshine.

"Of course we can darling, but if we go outside we'll have to skip vocal lessons" He told his ten year old daughter.

"Papa! Why can't I have both? They are both so fun!" She pouted at her father, then the boyfriend, (and if they were allowed to marry husband) walzed into the huge room they were standing in.

"Hey honey" Jim walked over to Tess and crouched down to her level "You go have your music session with Papa, and I'll play with you outside later, sounds good?" She nodded and went over to walk to the music room.

"Darling why don't you warm up already! I have to speak with Jim!" Freddie shouted through the house, but that resented in him having a coughing fit.

"You alright?" Jim asked with worry on his face "No, I'm not, and we both know it, but know is not the time to talk about it" Jim nodded in understanding.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jim asked "So about that vacation home in Spain I talked about" Freddie started, wrapping his arms around Jim's neck "Yeah?" Jim encouraged, while he brought his hands to Freddie waist. "I bought it" He grinned at his boyfriend.

Jim sighed, knowing he could do anything he wanted with his money "did you really need to buy that?"

Freddie looked flabberghasted "Of course! First of all it's in Barcelona, second of all, hello? Sun?" Jim laughed "Okay okay, I get it, go to your daughter Freddie"

Freddie kissed Jim's cheek and went over to his music room. Then he heard a piano, and a tune that he quickly recogonized.

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