Rami Malek ~ Honey

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Summary: This story is about Rami and you, and him telling you that he got the role of Freddie. Short one.

Wordcount: 400+
"Honey? I'm home!" The voice of my boyfriend rang through our house.

I quickly sprinted downstairs, knowning that he'd now know if he was going to play Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody.

I rushed down the stair (almost falling over laundry I put on the stairs). And almost ran towards the hallway.

Then I saw him standing there. A sad look on his face. Oh no. He didn't get the role.

"Oh, baby, come here" You walked over to him and gave him a tight hug. Putting your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his neck. (Even though you had to stand on your toes for that) His hands slipped around your waist.

And before you knew it, you were lifted in the air, and he started spinning you around in the air.

"Rami!" You giggled "So you did get the job?" You said after he stopped spinning around.

"Of course I did" he winked at you. His hands went from your waist to your face. His fingers on your jawline, while his thumbs were caressing your cheek.

"I got it baby, I got it" he smiled so brightly. You smiled in return. Because, come on, your boyfriend - that is very gorgeous - got a huge role! Who wouldn't be happy?

"Did you meet Roger Taylor and Brian May? What about disco deaky!" I was quick to ask.

"Yes, I met Roger Taylor and Brian May" he laughed at my exitement "But not John Deaky, they told me that he didn't want to be apart of this" I nodded at that.

"Have you met the other cast members yet?" I asked him, a little irritated. Because he joked about his role, about not having it.

"No, I haven't yet" he shook his head no.

"Well, I think they'll be great" I said while swinging from left to right in Rami's arms.

"I hope so" he said while grinning at me "What do you have to film first?" I asked him.

"Well miss (Y/L/N), first of all it's recording" He jokingly said while looking down at me.

"But we are going to shoot live aid first" he groaned out.

"Live aid? But that's their greatest perfomance, why would they do that first?" I asked.

"Bonding? If they don't like us in tbat perfomance, they can get rid of us easily then, but still, live aid on day one!" He asked flabberghasted.

"You'll do great honey" and then you lent in for a kiss.

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