Roger Taylor ~ Meeting the family

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It was a sunny day outside, you were holding Rogers hand as you were walking outside. Today was the day that Roger was going to meet your family for the first time. He had put it of for a long time, saying he wasn't the type of boyfriend that would meet parents. After a few months Roger realised that your relationship with him wasn't just for fun, he really loved you.

You look at your left to see a worrying expression on Roger's face "What's wrong love?" You ask. He looks at you and quickly smiles "Nothing to worry about babe, just worrying myself in my head", you sigh, knowing that Roger was nervous about meeting your parents. He wasn't exactly the perfect son in law type, he didn't have a steady job, quit his studies to become a drummer. Basically couldn't offer you anything. But you loved him nonetheless.

Your childhood home was slowly coming into view, you felt Roger clench his hand in yours. You stopped walking and turned to him, you grabbed both of his hands and look him in the eyes: "look, don't worry, I know it's intimidating to meet my parents, but you'll be fine! Just use your charms and you'll charm them right away" you told him "especially my mum" you winked at him and he let out a nervous chuckle. "I know, it will be fine" he sighed and avoided your eyes by looking at your hands "I just get nervous, I've never met a girls family before" he started playing with your fingers "wel, at least not in a proper way" he laughed. You chuckled. "Well, let's get going then?" You asked him, he nodded. You grabbed his chin with your hand and give him a kiss on the cheek.

You swatted him on is bum "Well let's go!" He laughed and you walked on. Now you were both standing in front of you childhood home. You rang the doorbell, knowing that the behind door was probably locked. The door opened revealing your mum "Oh Y/N!" She quickly engulfed you in her arms "How are you doing! I've missed you so much!" She gave multiple kisses to your cheek. Roger smiled from behind you, happy to see that your mum wasn't that intimidating.

Then your mother turned towards Roger "Oh, you must be Roger! I've heard much about you!" She gave Roger a warm smile and extended her hand out for him to shake, Roger went to shake her hand "It's a pleasure to meet you mrs. L/N" he said while giving his charming smile. "Well, do come in" your mother said. You walked in with Roger right behind you, your mother closed the door.

Roger then proceeded with taking of your jacket, he hung it up on the coat rack, then he took of his own coat. Then your father came out from the living room into the hall "Dad!" you exclaimed, you walked over to him and gave him a hug "Hiya Y/N" your father said as he hugged you back. You released him from the hug, your father then stretched his hand out towards Roger "So, you must be Roger, the man that my daughter/son is seeing" Roger reached his hand out towards your father, and gulped when your father clenched it very tightly. "That's right, I'm dating your daughter/son" your father made a noise of disapproval.

Your mother sensed the awkward vibe that was present in the hallway, "well go on and make yourselves comfortable in the living room, I'll put the kettle on for some tea." She said while smiling, she put a hand on Roger's shoulder "How do you take your tea darling?" Roger panicked, he disliked tea very much so, but he didn't want to disappoint your mother. You spoke up "Actually mum, Roger doesn't-" Roger interrupt you "With some sugar and milk please". You looked weirdly at Roger, he normally doesn't drink any tea. "Alright then! I'll put the kettle on" She walked away towards the kitchen while your father walked towards the living room, Roger went on the follow your father but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"What are you doing? You don't even like tea!" You whispered at him, he looked at you funnily "Really? I've always liked tea, especially when your mum makes it" he winked at you and walked towards the living room. You sighed and put your hand to your head, of course he wanted to impress your mum and dad by drinking tea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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