Freddie Mercury ~ You're crazy Mercury

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Summary: Freddie is showing you the mansion he bought for the both of you.

Warnings: Fluff (is it really a warning?)

Wordcount" 629

"Don't open your eyes darling!" The voice of my fiancé told me.

"I can't help it! I just want to know what your suprise is!" I told him.

"You just have to wait a little longer sweetheart, we are almost at the location of the surprise!" He said while putting his hand on your lap.

You quickly grabbed his hand, and began to play with his finger.

You couldn't see it, but you just knew he was smiling.

"You make me so happy love" His voice called out.

"I think it's safe to say that the feelings are mutual Freddie" You said with a smile on your face.

You heard the car stop, you of course did not waste your time asking- "Freddie are we there?!"

He chuckled at that. "Indeed, we are love, but you have to keep your eyes closed"

"Alright, I can do that". You wondered what the suprise was.

You heard Freddie get out of the car, maybe you could just get a peak of where- "Don't you dare (Y/N)" Freddie said while opening the car door.

He took your hand "Darling, it's time to stand up"

You did as you were told, you stood up. You felt gravel on the ground.

Gravel? Why would we be at a place where gravel is placed?

"Follow me love, but keep your eyes closed"

"Okay, okay, " You chuckled "I'll keep em closed"

As you kept your eyes closed, you started walking. It felt like you had been walking for an eternity. Then all of a sudden Freddie stopped.

He let go of your hand.

Moments later you felt his hands go around your waist. He pulled you in closer, and rested his head on your shoulder.

He whispered in your ear "Before you see the suprise, I eould like to tell you something"

"You darling are the love of my life, my muse, my worst distraction, my rhythm and rock" (See what I did there (; )

"I see myself growing old with you, that's why I of course proposed,"

"And I love you with all my heart, no matter what happens, we'll always end up together" He told you while kissing the side of your head. "I love you to Freddie"

"Open your eyes love" He whispered.

You opened your eyes, as you saw a huge house- no you couldn't call it a house, a mansion. It was beautiful, and very, very big.

"What a nice house Freddie, whose is it?"

He chuckled "Ours love"

"You're joking" You whispered.

"I am certainly not, otherwise I'd think a lot of money would have been stolen from my bank account" He jokingly said.

I turned around in his arms, as my arms went around his neck. As I hugged him tightly.

"Oh my god!" I squealed.

I pulled away, and my went over to cup his cheeks.

"You're crazy Mercury" You looked at his lips, as did he. He pulled you in closer. And then your lips met each other. They fitted perfectly in each other. His mustache tickeling your nose. And h

You pulled away as you told him "But I love you for it" as you went in for another kiss.

Much to your despair Freddie pulled away from the kiss. He looked you right in the eyes. "As much as I love kissing you(Y/N), shouldn't we check the house out?"

You pullef your hands from his face to put them in the air. "Oh yes! We most certainly should!"

He took your hand as you both walked into the mansion.

Where you would live the rest of your lives together.

"Come on love our new home is waiting for us!"

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