Roger Taylor ~ Just the two of us

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Jazz music was playing through your London apartment, you were dancing around in your kitchen. Food was boiling and bubbling on the stove, the place smelled like heaven.

Your boyfriend Roger was coming home from tour tonight, you decided to suprise him with his favorite dinner, you cleaned the place up and made it more cosy for his return to home.

You had visited him while he was on tour but you still missed his presence in your shared appartment. The soft music of his guitar playing while you were grading papers of the childeren you taught at the primary school.

Roger always loved it when he saw you with childeren, he sometimes would pick you up at work, that way he would be able to catch a glimpse of how you were with the childeren you taught, he always adored watching you with the childeren. Always mentoining it once or twice about having your own childeren. 

But that was besides the point now, you had to focus on the dinner you were making for him, all of a sudden you heard some honking outside. He was home.

You checked to make sure dinner was okay to be left alone for a little while, but then you heard the door open and a giant crash of a suitcase hitting the ground. 

 You looked over to the door to see Roger standing there, "Hi love" he sweetly said to you, you sprinted over to him and gave him a giant hug. You put your head into his neck and inhaled, you missed the smell of Roger.

You hugged him a little tighter, "Hi Roger" you said quietly, you looked up at him and stared into his eyes, you looked down to his lips and gave him a kiss. You missed the feeling of his lips onto yours. You both pulled away, "It smells amazing in here" he told you with a soft look onto his face. 

You turned around to look at the food "Does it? I am making your favorite meal" you gave him a peck on his cheek and walked out of his arms to look at the food. You stirred in the pot and felt hands wrap around the front of your waist.

Roger started placing little kisses onto your neck, he then buried his head into you neck and inhaled "I missed you so much" he said while exhaling. He turned off the stove while you were distracted and bended back so he picked you up and started walking towards the bedroom.

The evening was filled with kisses and hugs because you missed each other so much

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