Brian May ~ We will rock you

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Summary: This is a short story about the making of we will rock you

(Keep in mind this is fiction, this is not how it actually happend)

Wordcount: 568

I was reading a book while all of a sudden I heard stomping and clapping

Stomp clap stomp clap

What the hell is that?

Stomp clap

What if our house was broken into! Or, Brian could have fallen.

I pulled te covers over my legs, shivering at the cold air that touched my legs. I walked al the way to the door.

Stomp clap stomp

They don't take a break now, do they? I placed my hand on the knob, and turned it over. The door opened with a slight creaking sound.

Clap clap stomp.

I walked through the door to the staircase. I saw my slippers next to the stairs, so I slipped then on. My feet feeling warmer almost instantly.

I then moved down the stair, and then I heard a-


What was that, still wandering what is was I walked down the staircase, and then I heard it.

The sound of Brian's guitar.

I walked over to the door of his office/music room. I placed my hand on the knob turning it, and being greeted by the sound of his guitar.

He still continued, probably not hearing me come in. I slowly walked towards him. I laced my arms over his shoulders. And then connected my hands over his neck.

Which he was startled by, because he jumped a bit.

"You didn't hear me come in love?" I asked him while standing on my tippy toes, placing my head on his shoulder.

He turned his head over to look at me. "I actually didn't" He laughed at me.

He took his guitar strap and pulled it over his head. Once it was over his head he placed it on the guitar stand.

He snaked his arms around my waist, while mine went around his neck. We both looked deeply into each others eyes.

"What were you working on?" I asked deciding to break the silence.

"I don't know, it- it's-, it's nothing special" He stuttered out nervously.

"Well of course it is, if it has you up this late it must be something wonderful, musn't it?" I asked him while raising my eyebrows.

"Were you trying to sleep? I'm terribly sorry I'll stop now if you want me to-" deciding to stop his ramblin, I put my lips to his. Feeling the warmth rise upon my lips. He was shocked at first, but then kissed me back.

Once we pulled away I spoke up "I wasn't trying to sleep, can you show me what you were working on?" He sighed.

"What?" "It's not finished yet, it's not even good-"

"Brian May shut up, everything you make sounds fabulous, now let me hear it". He shook his head at me.

His arms retracted from my waist, as did my arms from his neck.

"Okay this is a little diffrent from what we usually do, but, I want the crowd to join in on the fun, so what can they do?" He asked me.

Stomp stomp clap

He kept the rhythm going, and then I joined him in.

Stomp stomp clap

Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday. I sang.

"Hey, I quite like that"

A/n: I'm sorry that this one was so short, I hope you're enjoying the book so far!


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