Thank You ~ Roger Taylor

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Warning: Swearing

The bathroom stalls felt cold as you leaned on them. You could still hear the loud music outside that was coming from the club, you took a deep breath as you looked down at the toilet.

You have had morning illnesses for weeks now, it couldn't have been possible, but there was this little voice saying in the back of your mind that there was still a possibility.

Maybe the condom ripped?

Maybe he didn't pull out quick enough? No, that couldn't have been it, you took plan B.

You took another deep breath and started to think of all the different scenarios that would happen if you were pregnant.

God he was not even your boyfriend, you were just a groupie that wanted to have some fun on her off year while learning a bit about the band life.

And now there was the possibility of being pregnant, God, how did you get in this situation.

You picked up the pregnancy test with shaking hands, you turned it around, tears started to form in your eyes.

You threw the test against the wall "fuck!", smashed the toilet seat down and sat on it with your legs pulled to your test en started crying.

What were you going to do now? Abortion was not an option in your mind.

But then.

The bathroom door was opened, you quickly stopped crying and wiped under your eyes, trying to hide all the tears.

Then the stall door swung open and Roger was standing right in front of you, with a perplexed look on his face "what's going on (Y/N)?"

Roger looked around the stall and saw the broken pregnancy test laying on the ground, you saw his eyes widen.

He quickly slammed the door shut and started walking away. You took a moment to process what just happened and quickly stood up to go after him.

"Roger!" You yelled, you grabbed the back of his arm and dragged him back into the bathroom, you saw tears in his eyes "what do you want (Y/N)!!" He yelled at you

You were kind off taken aback by his reaction "what do you fucking want, huh? Come to gloat about how you want to get rid of it!" He sneered at you, you stayed quiet not knowing what to say "go on! Ruin my fucking dreams about getting a family!"

That you were shocked to hear that was one thing, but he had no right to get mad at you "what? I never said anything about getting rid of it!" You yelled at him

He looked taken aback that you yelled at him "you bloody want it?" He shakily asked you with tears in his eyes "you want a baby with me?"

You sighed and rubbed under your eyes "not particularly you, no, but I am most definitely not going to get rid of it" you calmly told him.

He took a bit sigh of relief and let out a laugh, he pulled you in a hug and put his hand behind your head to put it into his neck "thank you, (Y/N)"

Authors note:
Hi everyone!
How are you al doing? I hope all is going wel, it's been a while since I've uploaded a chapter so here's one for you guys!

I hope you like it! Please give me feedback by commenting :)

Hope you have a good day! <3

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