Roger Taylor ~ Sick days

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Summary: Self explanotory, she sick he takes care of you, blah blah blah.

Wordcount: 600+

I was just vaccuming my living room, when all of a sudden I felt dizzy.  I plugged the vaccuum out of the outlet. I dropped the vaccuum and looked around the room. All of a sudden the room was spinning as wel.

I looked around the room, then I saw the couch, I walked over to the couch, almost falling over the vaccuum that was laying on the ground.

"(Y/N)?" I heard a voice screaming through the house "(Y/N)!" the voice called out to me, the voice I soon realized to be my one and only boyfriend, Roger Taylor. I sat down at the couch.

The dizzyness, already died down a lot, but that dizzyness was replaced with a massive headache. Roger walked into the room, he looked around, before his eyes wondered over to me.

He swiftly walked over to me, he crouched down to look at my eyes. "Are you alright love?"

"I just have a massive headache Roger, it'll be alright" But Roger didn't trust your opinion "Ya sure about that?" You nodded, you quickly closed your eyes, because you moved so quickly you headache only became worse.

"Alrigh' it's clear to me that you are not okay, come on let's go up to bed" He sternly told you, you rolled your eyes at him "No i'm going to finish vaccuming" Roger let out a massive sigh "Woman/Men sometimes, really"

He stood up from his crouching position, one arm went under your legs, one up your back "Up you go" He told you while he lifted you up from the couch. You rested your head on his chest while he walked over to the stairs.

He walked up the stairs, you looked up to him and realized, he couldn't be any more perfect. His beautiful blonde locks, caring grey eyes. You couldn't put his perfection to words.

He carefully opened the door to your bedroom, the sheets were still messy, because you were both the laziest people alive, and why would you make your bed, when you're going to ruin it later on?

He laid you down on the matress as you opened your eyes, you whined, the light was way to bright for you "That bad huh?"

You silently nodded as he pulled the covers over you body "Now stay here, don't move, I'm going to fetch some medicine for you alright?" He told you, you stuck a thumbs up to him. He laughed at you and kissed your cheek.

"I'll be back soon love!" You heard his footstepts go down, the stairs, heard some shuffeling, and then heard the door close.

You tried to sleep really! You had so much to do! You worked as an adminastrator a a school, and the paper work for transfer kids wasn't going to do itself. So you decided you'd do it now.

You lifted your covers and went into a sitting position on the bed. Your headache was pounding in the right side of your head. You ignored it and placed your feet on the wooden floor you had.

You looked at the time and saw almosy half an hour had already passed. Roger could be home any minute now.

You walked over to your office, you sat down on your office chair and began to pick up the transfer papers you to a look at them and realised-

"And what do you think you're doing?" You whipped your head around (way to fast by the way) to see Roger standing there, white paper bag in his hand, looking, wel not mad, but at least very irritated.

"I thought that I told you to stay in bed?" You looked at him with wide eyes "Oh?Thinking? that's a scary thing to do"

"Oohh!" He growled "Don't get filisofical with me now"

I just smiled at him. I have a beautiful boyfriend

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