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⭐️ ( 871 words) Sofia pov

I pulled into my parking spot at the BAU and took a deep breath. I looked in the car mirror and fixed my makeup, but it was no use. I was a sweating mess. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the debriefing room, where everyone was already waiting for me. Jeez, this is awkward.

"Hey, Sofía, where were you?" JJ said, handing me the case file.

"Thank you, JJ, and I'm sorry. I forgot something in my house, so I had to run back and get it, and traffic, yikes!" I said, fake laughing to play it off. I looked at the file and realized the whole case situation. We had to go to Cottonwood Falls... my hometown.

"Alright, since everyone's here, wheels up in 10," Hotch said as he left the room. I grabbed my bag and went to my office to put the stuff I needed in it, then headed to the plane, not once looking at Derek.

I got on the plane, and just my luck, Derek and I got sent to look at the abduction site. The plane landed, and already an uneasy feeling hit me. All of us got up, got our bags, and headed to the SUVs waiting for us. Prentiss and JJ went to talk to the parents, Reid and Rossi asked around to see if anything looked suspicious, Hotch went to the office to set up, and Derek and I went to the abduction site.

We got in the SUV, and before he could even look at me, I turned on the radio to show I wasn't in the best mood to talk. Ten to twenty minutes later, we arrived at the abduction site and looked around for clues. Derek was looking around where the little 6-year-old girl got picked up, and I was trying to keep my mind off of the fact that we were in my hometown.

Me and Derek had spent some time just looking around and analyzing shit until i eventually zoned off


It was on of the worst nights of my life. I was out of my room do chores and my dad was getting drunk in the corner doing something.

He was always mad or annoyed at something it was honestly just annoying. I mean it's like 7 in the morning dude relax just woke up buds.

My dad would Alway hit me. Crazy plot yeah i know but I mean what else would you expect mom left and our life wasn't great in a shitty two bedroom trailer where I was home schooled and wasn't allowed outside expect when getting mail or taking out the trash and I know your wondering how did I survive? How did I get my clothes? Well simple answer one I had to two my dad bought me some but I eventually learned how to make some stuff on my own mom had left some of the or well her sewing stuff and I just watched a bunched of YouTube and practiced I guess and when I was "good enough" for that week i would ask my dad to buy me more stuff for the sewing.

Of course it came with a cost... i was touched and well you get the idea. It was honestly the worst I can still feel his disgusting hands all over my body and it just feels like he's around the corner watching me sometimes.


I got knocked back into reality when something caught my eye it was a note...

I quickly took the note off and called Derek over cause I had found something

Derek runs over and looks at it then pulls out his phone and calls hotch...

Derek: "yeah hotch we got something.." He says as we wait for the rest of the team...


We had- well they had been brainstorming about this for an hour now trying to figure out how this could lead to the kidnapper...
I slowly slipped away by saying I had to use the restroom when reality i just needed to catch a breathe the note had seem so familiar like I've seen and heard those words somewhere

I locked myself in the stall and sat down on the seat David dobrik was probably conceived

The nottteeee 🙀 ( it's a really a poem)

In the darkness of the night,
A child dreams of taking flight,
To leave behind the pain and fear,
And find a place where love is near.

The road ahead is long and rough,
But the child is brave and tough,
With every step, the past fades away,
And hope shines brighter every day.

Fly away, little bird, fly away,
Find your freedom, find your way,
Leave behind the shadows of the past,
And find a future that will last.

-unknown <3

I start to rack my brain on what could be so familiar on this poem this is making my head hurt...

A few minutes passed and I had a thought I have an idea on what this could mean and why it's so familiar but I'd seem crazy.


I love you all have a great day 🖤🫂‼️

Derek Morgan 🦅🇺🇸‼️(under editing atm)Where stories live. Discover now