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⭐️ (Word count 750) Sofia's pov

"Hotch," I blurted out, "I think I know what happened." I said, looking at him and recalling more and more.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking at me, encouraging me to go on. "Well, there was this guy," I started, "it was just a normal day. I got to the BAU and started making coffee, but I realized I had forgotten to bring my creams and sugars with me. I didn't want to risk burning myself by grabbing my mug, so I quickly ran over to get my sugars.

But there was this guy..." I paused, trying to remember more details. "He was tall, had dirty blonde hair, and looked like he was in his mid-50s. He was standing by my mug, and at first, I didn't think much of it. But then it seemed like he purposely bumped into me after that interaction. It's all a bit hazy, but that's what I remember." Hotch took the situation more seriously now, asking, "Have you ever seen him around the building? Sofia, do you think someone is trying to hurt you?" I stuttered out "I- I don't know"

Hotch listened intently, he furrowed his brow, like he was deep in thought. "Sofia, this sounds serious. We need to start an investigate further to ensure your safety," he said, his voice filled with concern. He then walked out of the room and went to inform the team at my best guess. I'm so scared who could be after me? Will they hurt my team?...

Derek's pov

After hotch informed us about what Sofia had said he had reid and jj stay with here with her while we started retracing her steps from that morning, examining the coffee area for any signs of tampering or unusual activity. Hotch called in the rest of the team, and soon the BAU was buzzing with agents diligently searching for clues. While we didn't find any concrete evidence of foul play, we decided to review the security footage. As we watched the recordings, a feeling of unease settled in my stomach. My heart couldn't help but to pound out of my chest as I watched more of the recording. I felt anger. Anger I couldn't have been there to help her.. I clench my jaw as I suppress these feelings. I need to focus on this.

There he was, the mysterious man she had encountered, lurking around the office building days before the incident. It seemed like he had been observing me for some time. With this new information, we tried to have Garcia delved deeper into the man's background from the recording.

We discovered that he had a criminal record, primarily involving petty theft and harassment. His motive for targeting her remained unclear, but it was evident that he posed a potential threat. As a precautionary measure, when Sofia returned Hotch arranged for increased security around the building, ensuring her safety and that of the entire team. I just couldn't imagine what Sofia is going through. My heart drops at the thought of losing her... 'we need to find this son of a bitch' I thought to myself and I walked out for the night.


The next day, I walked into the office with Emily and we headed to our desks, waiting for everyone to arrive.

""Hey Derek...erk?-" Emily shouted, finally catching my attention. "What's going on, Derek? Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to confide in her. Eventually, I gave in. "I mean, who is this guy? We've never seen him in the office before. How did he manage to get in? What does he want with Sofia?What are his intentions?" I found myself asking these questions aloud.

My mind was racing with a thousand
"what ifs," and my heart rate began to increase. "Well, that's what we're trying to figure out," Emily replied, trying to offer some comfort. "Garcia will probably have more information on the guy once everyone is here for the debriefing. On the bright side, Sofia should be coming back today, and at least she wasn't seriously injured or worse." She was trying to reassure me, but I couldn't shake the the feeling that there was something bigger at play. "Yeah, yeah, you're right, but I just..." I began, but before I could finish my sentence, she interrupted me.

"You love her."

Thank you for reading love you have a great day byeeee‼️‼️

Derek Morgan 🦅🇺🇸‼️(under editing atm)Where stories live. Discover now