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⭐️ (word count 776) third person

As Garcia sat in front of her monitors, her fingers danced across the keyboard, navigating through various databases and digital trails. She was determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious man who had drugged Sofia. Hours of tireless searching had led her to a startling revelation, and her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and concern.

Finally, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Garcia discovered a connection between the man and Sofia that sent shivers down her spine - he was Sofia's long-lost father, someone she had never known existed. The realization hit Garcia like a ton of bricks, and she couldn't help but wonder how Sofia would react to this shocking revelation. Her mind raced with questions. Why had Sofia's father suddenly appeared in her life? What were his intentions in drugging her?

Was there a deeper, more sinister motive at play? Garcia knew that she needed to share her findings with the rest of the team immediately.

Quickly composing herself, Garcia rushed to get everyone to the briefing room, when the team was gathered. She burst her excitement and urgency palpable. With a deep breath, she began to relay her discoveries, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and concern. "Guys, listen up. I've made a breakthrough. The man who drugged Sofia... he's her father," Garcia announced, her eyes scanning the room for their reactions. Shock and disbelief washed over the faces of her teammates as they absorbed the magnitude of her revelation.

Hotch, with a mix of concern and determination in his eyes, spoke up first. "Are you certain, Garcia? This is a crucial piece of information that could change everything. We need to tread carefully." Garcia nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I've triple-checked the data, and there's no doubt."

As the team processed the news, their minds started churning with ideas and plans. Emily, always level-headed, suggested reaching out to Sofia and questioning her for more information about her father.

Reid, ever the analytical thinker, began researching Sofia's family background, with Garcia. Searching for any additional clues that could aid their investigation. With the knowledge of Sofia's father's involvement, the team's determination to bring him to justice grew stronger. They were now faced with a race against time, navigating the complexities of Sofia's past while protecting her from further harm.

Hotch and Emily walked briskly through the sterile hallways of the hospital, their minds focused on the difficult task that lay ahead. They were about to bring Sofia in for questioning.

This interrogation had to be handled delicately, but also with the intensity required to uncover the truth. As they entered the questioning room, Sofia looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and uncertainty. Hotch took a deep breath, preparing himself to play the role of the bad cop, while Emily, with her empathetic nature, would take on the role of the good cop. "Sit down, Sofia," Hotch commanded, his voice firm and commanding. Sofia's hands trembled as she took a seat, her eyes darting between Hotch and Emily. The tension in the room was palpable.

Hotch leaned forward, his expression stern. "We know about your father, Sofia. We know what he did to you. It's time to confront those painful memories." Sofia's body tensed, her eyes welling up with tears. She whispered, "I can't remember... it's all a blur." Emily, her voice filled with compassion, gently reached out to Sofia. "Sofia, we understand how difficult this is for you. But we need your help to bring your father to justice. You don't have to face this alone. We are here for you." Sofia's shoulders slumped, the weight of her past bearing down on her. "I want him to pay for what he's done. But I don't know how to remember... how to unlock those memories." Hotch softened his tone, leaning back in his chair. "Sofia, we have experts who can help you. Together, we can work through this, find the truth, and ensure your safety." Emily nodded, her eyes filled with determination.

"Sofia, you are not alone in this. We believe in you. We will support you every step of the way, no matter how difficult it gets."

As the interrogation continued, the intensity in the room grew, emotions running high. Hotch pushed Sofia, challenging her to dig deep, while Emily provided comfort and reassurance. Through their carefully orchestrated roles, they aimed to break through Sofia's mental barriers and uncover the buried memories that held the key to her father's dark past.

thank you for reading Ilysm have a good day byeeeeee‼️‼️

Derek Morgan 🦅🇺🇸‼️(under editing atm)Where stories live. Discover now