Chapter 18- If Only It Had Been Different

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Quince's POV

It felt different to smile for a change. To have fun and laugh. Jorge did know how to have a good time and he was really helping me not focus on my dad and everything else.

We sat on the shore line and watched the sun set as the water nipped at our feet. It was so beautiful. I looked at him and noticed he looked older and more tired.

"Quince?" He broke the silence.

"Yeah?" I responded, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Don't let Ace get you upset ok?" He gave me a knowingly look.

I shook my head. Why shouldn't I let him get me upset? Its all I've been thinking about since I've come out of my coma. Then Jorge made me forget it all, until he brought it up.

"Okay." Was all I was able to say. I couldn't think of a proper response to that without sounding so weak. I didn't want Jorge to pity me.

I don't need people's pity nor do I need people to think I'm weak. He smiled at me and took my hand. I stood up and he pulled me along the shore. We walked along the beach until the sun was below the horizon and the ocean looked like a black hole.

Jorge's POV

I got to spend the whole day with her. I got to hold her hand and I got to walk down the beach with her. After we had walked for what seemed like forever I dropped her off home. I didn't want to let her go but I knew it was best for her to be home.  Anything better than that damn hospital. I watched her go inside and I pulled off. I can't stop thinking about her. She's all that's on my mind ever since she jumped. She's always been somewhere on my mind but now I'm really worried for her and her safety.

I watched as she has paced around the sand. Sometimes she'd stop pacing and sit down. She looked out to the ocean, probably processing everything that happened. It was hard not to pity her, even though I knew she hated pity. She was strong and I knew I'd never be that strong. I was weak and I gave into peer pressure and that was something I couldn't take back.

Quince's POV

I hesitated before I got up. I wanted to stay here forever. With Jorge and the beach. But I knew that couldn't happen. I knew that I had to leave at some point and that point was now. I got up from the sand and wiped off my pants. Jorge got up when he saw me walking towards him.

"I wanna go home now." I said. "Are you sure that's what you want Quince?" There was a hint of worry in his voice and I was glad he cared. I nodded my head and he smiled. "Why the smiles?" I asked. He just continued starting at me until I finally managed to drag him to the car.

Jorge dropped me off in front of my house. The firemen had cleaned it up and replaced all the furniture. It looked normal on the outside. Steps that led to a finely made door with a little knocker and a doorbell. The house was made of white panels and each window had little shutters in case of a storm. The flowers out front were dying from unsatisfactory care it overall the house was in good shape.

But what no one knew was that behind those walls was hell. I lived through it everyday and struggled to cover up the bruises. No one knew how much it hurt. No one understood. That was when it hit me.

I was all alone...

I slowly walked to the front door and took my keys out of my jacket pocket.
Damn it. Why am I making this so hard?

I put the key in the lock and slowly opened the door. I walked inside and the house was dark. No lights could be seen and it was very quiet.

I walked up to my room slowly so as not to disturb anyone if anyone was even here. But when I opened my door a horrible stench emerged. I gagged and held a hand over my mouth. I walked in slowly. Photo albums of the family were scattered across the room.

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