Chapter 8- If You Knew Where I Stood

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Quince's POV

I couldn't believe it. Ace was taking me on a date.

When I got home I picked out black denim jeans and a white blouse with a lacing on the neck. Then I through in my old black flats and did my hair in a side braid.

(A/N: sorry wish I could get a pic but I don't have my laptop at the moment and cannot add the pic. I'll place it as the cover for a day then change it back. Back go the chapter.)

I through on clear lip gloss and eyeliner. I was ready!!! (Picture Link from Zelda when he gets an item)

I patiently awaited the text of him being here. After 10 minutes he texted me!!

From: Ace ❤️

I'm outside!!!! Come out. Got a surprise. 😉

I did a happy dance. I made sure I looked okay and walked outside. Had my phone and my lip gloss. I is good.

I walked outside and saw him on (noticed I didn't use the word in) a bike. Not just any bike. A two seater. I died of laughter and he smiled broadly.

"Climb abroad m'lady. Your stead awaits." He said in a fake royal accent.

I giggled and climbed on. He passed me a helmet and pedaled into the sunset.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at Frito's Cafe. We entered and we sat at a table near the window.

"I'm really glad you asked me to come." I thanked.

"Please! It's no biggie."

There was a 5 second pause.

"Look Quince." Ace grabbed my hand and held it in his. "In the short amount of time we've known each other I've realized I really do care for you. Your caring, sweet, and I want to be with you." He got down on one knee.

"Oh my goodness..Ace umm....I don't thi-" He cut me off

"Quince Harrison, will you accept this PROMISE ring, and be my girlfriend?" He looked so sincere.

"Yes." I stated simply.

He placed the ring on my finger and kissed my hand.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked

Instead of answering him I grabbed him by his collar and kissed him passionately. When we released I smiled. I heard hoots and hollers and I realized the whole cafe was watching. I covered my face and laughed. We hugged and sat down.

As we ate we talked about my life and his. Turns out Ace is 15 about to turn 16 cause he got left back once because he was in Germany for the year living with his sick grandmother who later passed away.

He actually was very smart.

"Speaking of ages." He gave a grin.

"Oh shit." I thought.

"Bring it boys!!" He yelled.

Two guys came out holding a really big cupcake covered in chocolate frosting with a 15 candle.

"Today is someone's birthday!!!!!"

They sang Happy Birthday to me while I cried internally. Ace was the best ever! I never want to leave him. I love Ace. I love him so much.

After we left we held hands and made our way to the park. We laid down on the grass and stared at the stars.

(WARNING: For readers under the age of 13 please refrain from reading the next few paragraphs where as there is intense sexual scenes. I will notify you when it is done. Just scroll down until you see bold letters again.)

We stared at each other and he held me close. He leaned and slowly started kissing me. I scooted over bad closed the gap and pulled him so close there was no gap between or bodies.

As we made out he slowly laid me down as he hovered above me. He grabbed my ass and slowly trailed down my thigh. He sent shivers down my body and I loved the way he made me feel.

I tugged his hair and threaded it the ought my fingers and earned a moan from him. I could feel him getting hard and was glad I could do this to him.

He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth but I chose not to let him. We fought until he won and his tongue got dominance. He released the kiss and started kissing down my neck.

First my chin then my neck and then found fabric in his way of my chest. He slowly peeled it off for me and left me in my bra and kissed above my cleavage.

"Ace." I gasped. "Let's go home and finish."

He nodded and we ran for the bike.

If You Knew Me (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now