Chapter 6- If You Knew My Confusion

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Jorge's POV ( ooooh kill em')

I just kept staring at her. I couldn't look away. She was so beautiful and I loved her so much. I bet I already know what you're thinking.

Why is her bully who called her names and slapped her all of a sudden having a crush on her. I can explain that. I've liked her ever since 7th grade. I was young then and like every young child I started teasing her. It escalated in high school and I got so mad that I knew I could never have her.

I tried asking her to the Prom in 8th grade but I chickened out. I went up to her and told her no one should go to the dance with her because she had no body. I was so devastated that I said that.

She actually had a rocking body. I bet your probably like you make no sense. Well here is my logic. I want to be cool so I don't get teased or beat up. And to be cool I need to do that to people. I'm such a hypocrite. Saying I don't want to get beat up yet I do it to people.

I just don't want to be uncool and risk getting beat up every day. I want her to understand that but she doesn't. She thinks I'm a monster. But I'm not. I don't want to be.

So as she left she bumped into this dude I knew as Ace. He is a real bad ass and tons of girls liked him. He wasn't popular at all but everyone knew not to cross him. He's a pretty cool guy as long as you don't get on his bad side.

I could see how she looked at him. A light blush fell on her cheeks, her eyes widened and she smiled a small smile and she started apologizing a million times. She was totally into him.

"Oh mi gosh oh mi gosh. I'm so sorry." Quince stammered.

"It's cool sweetheart." He responded

Quince's POV

I COULDN'T EVEN SPEAK TO HIM!! I am disappointed in myself. I have a huge crush on this guy and he spoke to me!! As I was walking down the street I was thinking about my dad. If he's ok will he try and get me back. The officer said either way is be removed but he didn't say my dad wasn't able to get me back.

I forgot about it and went to school. Trey was already inside waiting like always but this time was different. Jorge and his gang were surrounding him. Guess Jorge got here before me. I was thinking a while.

"Hey what's this say you retard!?!" One the goons said while holding up a picture book.

"C'mon Rey. That book is way too hard for him to read. It has like 5 words on each page." Jorge snickered.

All the boys laughed at Trey while he whimpered. I ran towards them and pushed Jorge out of the way.

"Leave him alone!" I yelled. I shoved Jorge. I was sick and tired of him picking on us.

"What did he ever do to you? What did I ever do to you?!? Jorge I'm gonna be honest. In 7th grade you were the nicest guy ever. What happened?"

"I fell in love with you. That's what happened. I've spent hours on my room working up the nerve to ask out a girl who I could never have. Unapproachable, sad, hurt. I wanted you more than ever. I was stupid to hurt you. But you rejected me just like I knew you would. I knew it would happen. I'm sick of being the damn bad guy. I'm trying to fix my mistakes. But why fight for something that obviously doesn't want to be fought for."

"Jorge, I-I don't know what to sa--" he cut me off. He had tears in his eyes and was trying to look strong but failed horribly.

"Don't say anything. I have nothing to say to you."

He left while Trey clung to arm not knowing what to do. I hugged him and stood there. Not wanting to move.

If You Knew Me (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now