Chapter 17- My Life Begins

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A/N: This chapter contians religious opinions. If you do not agree with the religion of Christianity than I would advise you to skip this chapter. I will debrief the events of this chapter in the next one so do not worry. Hope you enjoy! S

Quince's POV

We just drove around, no destination in mind. We didn't want to go anywhere. I was content in this car. He didn't know what awaited me at home but he could sense my tenseness when we drove relatively close to it. I didn't want to go home. He's only gotten worse since the accident.

Before I had left to Ace's house he was tipsy...again. He was never going to change. No matter how much I prayed or how much I begged the universe just won't allow me to have a father. Then God ripped my mom right out of my grasp.

(Mom's POV)
I got in the car with my husband. He seemed really angry and happy at the same time. It made no sense. One minute he was singing the next he was ranting how I was so stupidI didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to hurt my poor Quince. So I got in the car and fastened my seatbelt. We were driving really fast and I didn't want to tell him to stop because then he'd take his eyes off the road. So I just sat and waited. Then the truck hit the car.

I was tossed and turned and almost survived. Then the truck caught on fire and I burned while my husband was thrown out the car. He didn't have his seatbelt on. I did.

Quince's POV

I guess Jesus didn't love me. If Jesus loved all his children then why would he kill them. Since he was almighty why not stop all the evils in the world. Like abuse and world hunger. Why not save all the foster kids that have no family at all and give them a family.

Why would such a powerful being style it as such. Where pedophiles raped little children and father beat their little girls. Or when cops shoot defenseless kids. Why not just end it all. Why not kill off all of the deadly diseases and let a poor grandmother live.

But that's not how the world works. It was such a cruel world. We had no control cause God apparently has our whole lives mapped out. He knew my dad would become abusivd but didn't save me. He knew my mom would die and didn't stop that truck. If he cared he would have killed my father and NOT my mom.

I realized Jorge had stopped the car and we were at a beach. I gave him a puzzled look. He just grinned like a buffoon. I took the time to look him over. He was around 5'10 and muscley. He looked really good. His hair was curly and moppy like it always was but suddenly I realised how beautiful he really was. Then he got out the car and ran towards the water. I got out fast enough to see him throw off his shirt and jump into the water.

I walked along the sand clutching my arms. He kept splashing around and acting like a 5 year old. He ran out. I sat down and sat down too.

"Come on Quince " he nodded towards the water, but I shook my head. He just smiled.

"Fine.." He stood up and started walking away when he turned around, ran towards me and grabbed my waist. He picked me up and through me over his shoulder. I screamed and laughed at the same time. Next thing I knew he was throwing me into the water.

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