Chapter 11- If You Could Ever Comprehend Me

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Quince's POV

I had a lot to think about. I didn't know what I wanted. It had been 2 days since Officer Georgia had been here. Which meant he would be at the orphanage when school ended.

I was at my last class of the day when it hit me. Why should I endure all that shit again?!? Why should I stand for that? And let him touch and hurt me the way he did. I wasn't a virgin anymore because of him.

I wasn't paying attention and while I was lost in my own thoughts I realized everyone was leaving. Today was the day I started Tutoring. My tutor was this honors student named Sam. I was supposed to meet him in the library after school with the other student who needed help.

As I walked out of class I kept thinking about the trial. I was nervous. What would happen? Would my father go to jail? Could I be able to live without both of my parents? All these questions swirled in my head. I found myself in front of the library and went all the way to the back towards the history section.

I saw the back if Ray's head and walked towards. He was talking to someone I couldn't see because he was so tall. He heard me coming and turned to greet me and seated behind him was the one person that hated my guts yet loved me at the same time. The one person I did not want to spend 3 hours alone with.

The one and only Jorge Hayes. I sat down and took out my History textbook.

-3 hours later-

To be honest the Tutoring session wasn't that bad. I actually learned a a thing or two and Jorge was on good behavior.

I walked home with Ace and Officer Harrison was already at the front. I told him my answer and he told me the trial would be held on Sunday. 2 days from now. He said to where professional attire and wear my hair in a bun.

I was ready. I picked out my outfit the day before and to be honest it was a pretty good outfit. Cute but professional. And after much thought I decided to do a messy bun.


I woke up extra early. I barely got any sleep because I kept thinking about what would or could happen. I was more confused than ever. So here was the breakdown of today. So first we do the Pledge than they question me. Ask me different questions, relevant to the case or not. They can ask me anything and I have to answer truthfully.

Than I tell the judge what side I'm for and we begin the real trial. Than tomorrow the verdict will be decided if evidence is sufficient enough. I put on a white blouse with a black dress side skirt with tights and black flats. Then I pulled my hair into a bun letting some strands loose to show I care but I don't care so much.

(Link to outfit- You can follow me while your at it Ace's tux is here too.

I went outside and saw Ace planted on his car playing Piano Tiles©. He was wearing a very nice tux. I got in the car and clutched is hand in mine. He drove with one hand so he could comfort me. We finally arrived at the Courthouse and I couldnt get out. I was frozen. Ace had to peel me off the seat and I walked into the courthouse.

"Order in the court!!" the judge bellowed. "Quince Harrison please step up to the stand "

I flattened out my skirt and made my way up to the stand. I sat down on the seat and waited to be questioned. A tall man got up from the crowd and walked up to me.

"Good Morning Ms.Harrison. I am Daniel Lavincy. May I ask you a few questions?" Daniel asked formally.

"Yes you may." I responded

"How longs have you been living without your mother? My deepest condolences." He asked sympathetically.

"4 years" I managed to get out. It was had talking about her. You see my mom was a great woman. At least to me she was.

She always worried about me. Always cared for me and made sure I didn't go to school looking like a slut. She made me breakfast and dinner and still managed to work as an interior decorator. She was really creative and that's what I loved about her.

"What year of school are you?"

"I'm in the 9th grade." I responded

After 10 minutes of asking me really private and personal questions he asked a question I seriously didn't want to answer.

"So Miss Harrison, has your father ever come home drunk?"

I contemplated this question. Then I made the stupidest decision. I smack myself for doing this after it happened.

"No sir." I responded.

After that the judge asked me what I was going to do. Prosecution or Defendant.

"I will be fighting defendant your Honor." I answered.

All I was thinking was I couldn't lose another parent.

If only knew what that would lead to.

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