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it was an early morning here in south park. or maybe a late night. besides that it was 4am. the sun was barely peering above the mountains surrounding the town. a girl by the name of y/n was laying in the snow beside starks pond. she had moved to the town just days before with her mother and father. school was to start in a few hours and she was anything but excited. on the other side of town, in the graveyard that held all of the ancestors of the townspeople, sat four gloomy teens. they smoked while the female touched the damp soil. she smiled and nodded to the group, signaling it was time to leave. as they got in the car to drive home, it felt different. one of the boys felt off. as they drove home, they saw the girl lying limp beside the pond. "do you think she's dead?" the smallest boy spoke. "if she is, i'm envious." spoke the tall one. "aren't we all." said the boy with red in his hair. and then they were home.

storm clouds - michael the goth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now