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y/n pov
i crept into the small home and into my bedroom. opening my closet, i grabbed a white sweater and a pink pair of pants. with that i matched white doc martins and a white hat with a pink puffball. though basic, it would be quite comfortable. there's nobody to even make an attempt at impressing anyways i thought to myself as i slid the shoes on. i smiled in the mirror and rolled my eyes. i pushed myself into the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. my y/hc swayed as i turned my head to the window.

the early morning sun was pretty and still showed fresh reds and oranges. i slid my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs. "do you need a ride y/n?" my mother asked as she sipped her coffee. "i'm good." i said with a fake smile. i grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate and walked into the living room. my father was asleep on the couch and i grabbed my bag before rushing out the front door. there were fresh footprints from my early morning walk and i smiled, remembering the silence and cold snow beneath me.

i walked down the sidewalk and listened to music. 505 - arctic monkeys began playing and i smiled as i nodded my head to the music. cars filled with teens passed by as i got closer and closer to the school. when i arrived, the piss yellow school was larger than i'd expected. i walked inside and looks from other students flooded in. i walked to my locker and shoved my bookbag inside. i closed it and turned to my left where a girl with raven hair stood. "hi!" she said a bit too cheerily. "uh hi"

i tried to walk past her but she stood beside me and began speaking again. "my name is wendy testaburger, you're new, y/n right?" she said as if she should be rewarded for knowing my name. "yeah how'd you know?" "well i usually ask the principle for new students names so i can introduce myself. a new girl is always fun to have!" i faked a smile and nodded "i'm sure." "do you have a boyfriend?" she asked with a smirk. i shook my head "uh no i moved here like two weeks ago." "oh goodie i can help!"

this fucking girl. i nodded as we walked and turned the hall. "well i've got to get going." i said, hoping someone would help me from the awkward situation. "oh yeah class. what's your schedule look like?" i handed her the paper and she examined it closely. "we have two classes together! i cant wait to see you. if you sit with me you'll be fine, i promise." i nodded and began walking away. i looked down at the paper history - 7:30 am. i rolled my eyes and walked towards the room number. after the bell rang and i still couldn't find the room, i groaned and leaned against a locker.

the sound of someone clearing their throat arised and i looked up, hoping a teacher hadn't caught me "skipping" on my first day. "that's my locker." the boy said. i looked at him and examined his face before speaking. "what? oh shit sorry" i said as i moved out of the way. "i'm y/n, also new." "i- didn't ask." he said. he had red roots and black ends of his hair. he was probably 5'8 and i looked up at him when he looked at me again. "can i help you?" he said with an eye roll.

"uh yes actually.. do you know where this classroom is?" i pointed to the number and he looked at the sheet before looking back at me. "i'm supposed to skip with my friends but i have this class so i guess i'll go." he began walking in the opposite direction i'd come in. i quickly followed him and stood beside him. he wore all black and had black lining his bright blue eyes. he opened a door and i walked in with him. the teacher looked at us and i gave a small wave.

"sorry i'm late mr- garrison. i was lost and-" "i saw her after coming out of the bathroom so i decided to help." the boy said. the teacher nodded "class this is the new student, her name is y/n." i smiled at the class and they seemed to care somewhat. the teacher pointed to an empty seat and i sat down. beside me was a girl with blonde hair and on the other side was a boy in an orange parka. just then i realized i never got the name of the boy who walked me here.

i tapped on the girls shoulder next to me and she gave a warm smile. "hi, i'm bebe." "hi- what's the name of the boy i walked in with? i forgot to ask." she rolled her eyes "that's pete. he's trouble. he's a goth. my friend wendy's boyfriend used to hang with them when she dumped him. they are total freaks. honestly, if you ask me? social suicide." my eyes widened at her harsh words. "oh uh thanks for the tip bebe." i smiled and she nodded. i looked forward at the teacher who was paying no attention.

meanwhile on the other side of school
third person pov

"where the hell is he?" firkle said with annoyance lacing his voice. "no idea." henrietta said. "he better get his faggot ass out here soon or i'm gonna flip." "why do you give a shit?" "because he's probably off with some selena-wannabe kissing her ass." "why do you always think that?" firkle asked. "just shut up." michael said as he took a drag of his cigarette. michael only cared where pete was because he was his best friend and he felt weird still. weird about yesterday. weird about that girl he saw.

michael was never the type to give a shit about feelings, but he was just so confused. a dream of his was to lay in that spot and feel nothing but relief. he was sure that's what she felt. he was envious of that. he wasn't sure if she was actually dead or just in need of some time alone. he was snapped out of his thoughts when the principle burst through the doors. "i thought i told you kids to stay in class!" she yelled. they rolled their eyes and walked inside.

each walking to their classes. michael made his way to his class and opened the door. he looked in and saw pete sitting in the way back. an empty seat was beside him. the person in front of this empty seat was none other than the girl he had seen in the snow. he raised an eyebrow and walked back to the seat. michael sat down and looked at pete. "what the fuck are you doing." he asked with a low growl. "that bitch in the white sweater said she was new and asked for directions. i figured i'd stay instead of making an excuse."

"whatever we got caught anyways." michael looked forward and then back to pete "that's the girl from the snow last night" he whispered. pete's eyes widened and he nodded "shit you're right." they both looked at her before she turned around and gave michael a smile "do you have a pen i could borrow?" her y/c eyes glistened in the light of the classroom. michael was set back by his own emotions but quickly regained control. "uh yeah. i mean i guess." he handed her a pen from his bag and she flashed a smile. "lifesaver" she said before turning back around.

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