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y/n pov
it had been two weeks since i slept over pete's. i haven't seen michael since the cafe. speaking of the cafe i started working there. the goths came in everytime i had a shift and bothered me. i enjoyed their company, though i wish a certain goth would join them. it felt like he was ghosting us all. nobody knew why. i started dating kyle. he was a good boyfriend. he didn't like me being friends with the goths so seeing them was quite hard, though kenny would cover for me. he and i had gotten closer too.

it was a rainy tuesday afternoon. there were storm clouds outside and i was pouring coffee for some random from town. i heard the bell ring and looked at my watch. 4:30 perfectly on time. i smiled and looked up to see pete; henrietta, and firkle walking in and sitting at their regular booth. i walked over to them and smiled "hi welcome to tweek bros coffee, what can i get you today?" i said with a fake smile. pete smiled at me and henrietta laughed "cthulhu that never gets old." she said with a smirk.

"oh i'm sure you love it. what do you weirdos want." "three black coffees." pete said. i smirked "how did i guess." i showed them the paper with it already written from before they walked in. we all smiled and then i sighed. "have any of you heard from michael?" they looked shocked i brought his name up. "no.. we haven't why?" i shrugged "just curious i guess. i dunno." i tore their slip out and walked back behind the counter. i brought the coffee and poured it in each of their cups. "so how's it going for you?" firkle asked. i shrugged.

"it's slow today but i work until 2am so this should be fun." "yeah have fun with that. we're going to the graveyard." "that sounds fun." i smiled. "why do we let this basic bitch hang with us again?" pete said jokingly. "uh because michael fell hard for her and she's not bad." i blushed at his name and sighed "i'm glad you guys kept me around." "you know their planning the homecoming dance?" henrietta said. "really?" pete nodded. "that reminds me." pete smiled at henrietta and handed her a little note. she opened it and rolled her eyes.

"could you get any more conformist?" "oh come on let's trash that shithole." i smirked at pete. it was my idea for them to go together. "so?" "i guess." she said with a smile. i clapped and stood up. "we can get matching dresses and i can third wheel since i don't have a date." i smiled. "this is gonna be so fun." henrietta mocked. i laughed and rolled my eyes "drink your dark ass coffee for your dark ass souls. i'll see you when you need a refill." i smiled and walked back behind the counter. i heard my phone ding and looked at it.

raven: hey
y/n: hi?
raven: how are you?
y/n: im okay, how are you.
raven: listen im sorry. i wanna be cool with you and kyle again. i don't wanna be goth. michael is draining me and i just miss you guys.
y/n: you're with michael?
raven: yeah i have been for like two weeks now. we hang out all the time.
y/n: bring both of you to the cafe i work at tonight at 1:30 and you can be friend with us again. deal?
raven: i'll do my best.

i put my phone away and sighed. for the remainder of my day, i filled coffee mugs and served assholes their dinners and lunches they asked for. some people tipped more than others which i appreciated. then it was 1:17. tweek gave me a hug and smiled "you'll be okay here alone?" i nodded "it's only 45 minutes until craig comes in." "okay.. i'll see you tomorrow." i waved as he walked out the door. the diner was empty. i was setting napkins up when the bell rang. i turned around and my eyes went wide.

my breath hitched and there stood a 6'3 goth boy. his eyeliner was dark and he was leaning on his cane for support. outside, raven stood smoking. i swallowed the knot in my throat and blinked. "h..hi." "hey." he said calmly. he walked to a booth and i sat across from him. "can i get a coffee?" "that's why you're here? for coffee?" "this is a cafe isnt it?" i sighed and got up. i brought him back the coffee and poured him a cup. "so you and kyle?" my eyes began to water and i nodded "yeah."

"you and wendy?" "ended that shit." he said as he took a sip. he looked out the window at the passing cars. "she was never as pretty or as funny as the girl i really wanted. but i wasted my shot and now it's gone." he said as he placed the mug down. "who?" he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "don't act stupid love." he said calmly. i blushed and he smirked "is he good to you?" "who?" "pete." i nodded "he's my best friend. him and kenny. they both treat me wonderfully. kenny covers for me when i'm with pete." he smiled.

"how's kyle?" i sighed "he's a good boyfriend. he's talented and funny but he's not my type. we've kissed but i don't feel anything. he makes me feel like a special person, but it's more platonic than romantic. it's not the same." i looked at michael and we made eye contact. his deep brown eyes locked with mine and i felt like the world around us stopped. raven walked in and smiled "it's time to go." he said quietly. i nodded and stood up. i looked up at michael with wide eyes.

"i'll see you friday night." he said softly. i hugged him and he hugged back. his arms felt safe. being away from him for two weeks was too much and i didn't want to deal with it again. if hiding my feelings from the world was how it had to be i would do it but i could no longer conceal it. i grabbed my phone and called kyle. he answered quickly and i sighed "kyle?" "yes?" "we should break up. i think we're better as friends and i don't want to ruin that. maybe we can try again in the future but not now."

"i knew it was coming. you like someone else dont you?" i blinked a few times before responding "yes.. but that's not the whole reason. the person i want to be with doesn't want me. kyle thank you for the past two weeks, i want to be friends still." "of course." "oh and lastly.. please talk to stan. he misses you." "he does?" "call him." i smiled and we said our goodbyes.

storm clouds - michael the goth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now