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y/n pov
"do i really have to wear this?" i questioned as i looked in the mirror. the uniform consisted of a mini skirt that was extremely mini and not very skirt looking as well as a cropped tank top that matched. "yes!" bebe replied. "oh my god your boobs look so good i'm jealous!" she continued. "when you said come to tryouts i thought you meant come watch other girls try out, not try out." i groaned. she giggled and pulled me out of the locker room and into the gym.

two girls looking equally as uncomfortable stood beside me. wendy, bebe, and the rest of the cheer squad stood in front of me. i looked up at the bleachers and saw four goths looking directly at me. my eyes widened. shit i forgot i told them i was doing this. satan kill me now. "alright ladies! today we will be choosing one of you to add to the squad. it's not based purely off talent either! we also need someone who has the style and fits the look of a cheerleader for southpark high!" the girls clapped and i rolled my eyes.

"now! you all look gorgeous in the outfit so that's a tough one." wendy said. bebe then spoke up "personally i think y/n rocks it the best." "i agree" red said from beside her. a few other girls spoke and they agreed i looked the best. how wonderful. music played and wendy told us to dance to the beat, not the words. so i did just that, probably looking like an idiot may i add. as the song came to an end, i stood up straight and sighed. i bombed that. "y/n you rocked that!" heidi yelled. "i agree totally!"
nicole said.

michaels pov
"why do we have to go watch her do this?" firkle asked henrietta. "because michael wants to see if she's really going to join their clique." "wrong. i know she's going to. i just want to see what she does in the process so i can potentially bring it up later." "you plan on talking to her again?" pete asked sheepishly. "well i mean we did invite her to coffee because of you so yeah." pete nodded at my words and we all sat down on the bleachers. i looked forward a few rows and saw marsh and broflovski watching the girls warm up.

then y/n walked out. the skimpy outfit leached to her figure perfectly showing off every area perfectly. why do i feel like this? she looked incredible. i rolled my eyes and sat back. "this should be good." henrietta said as wendy began her little speech. i zoned out but i assumed it was about teamwork and how they looked so hot and blah blah blah. soon y/n was dancing to the music and she looked dumb. like actually dumb. cute. a smile crept onto my face and i watched her every, dumbass, move.

y/n pov
"so ladies. this has been a really tough choice for us.." wendy began. i looked up at michael who was staring at me. a blush formed on my cheeks and i looked forward to wendy as she smiled at me. "welcome to the squad y/n!" the girls began cheering and all ran up to me and started hugging me. i felt completely trapped. this is a nightmare. they let go and i was handed a schedule. "keep the uniform. you'll need it for practice next week." i nodded and walked into the locker room.

after changing into my regular clothes, i stuffed my things into my bookbag and walked out. "hey y/n" heidi said as she walked up to me. "oh hey" i smiled "so cartman and i wanted to invite you out to dinner with us. also wendy and stan and red and kenny." i raised an eyebrow "cute couples but.. that's seven? kind of an awkward number." i laughed as we stepped outside, cool air hitting me in the face. "right but we wanted to set you up with someone." "oh who?" "it's a surprise! please say yes!" i sighed "okay, fine." she squealed with joy.

"here's my number" she took my phone and put her number in, i guess she also added me to a group chat. "i'll pick you up around 7. wear something.. cute but slutty!" i gave a weird look to her as she waved, running to cartmans car that was packed with kids. "okay then" i said as i turned around, beginning my walk home. the silence was nice. nobody was here to bother me. i smiled and finally got home. i walked inside to the silent house and sighed. "alone again, already."

i went up to my room and decided to get ready. it was already 5 and i was hungry so i didn't want to waste time. i left my hair natural and did some dark makeup with a bold red lip. i also changed into a tight black dress along with black dr. martins. the outfit was exactly as i imaged when heidi told me the dress code. i smiled to myself and remembered one last thing. i slid the shoes off and then on some fishnet stockings. i smirked to myself in the mirror and put my shoes back on.

i sat on my bed and opened my binder containing homework from earlier. "oh how great" i said as i flipped the page. with my remaining time, i decided i should get some homework done. after two pages of math and one physics sheet, i was annoyed and starving. i realized it was 6:45 and smiled. "finally" i said as i stood up. my phone dinged and i opened the home screen. i went into imessage and saw an unsaved number had texted me "hi." that was it, that was the entire text.

y/n: who is this?
?: guess.
y/n: i'd rather not, just tell me?
?: that's not fun is it :(
y/n: uhhh red?
?: guess again.
y/n: have we met?
?: we have.
y/n: do you think i'm cute?
?: as a matter of fact i do. ;)
y/n: pete??
?: cute.
y/n: so yes?:)
?: not exactly.
y/n: michael?
?: dingdong princess.

i smiled and changed his name in my phone. "what a douchebag." i said aloud to myself. i slid my phone into a black small purse and heard a car beep outside my house. i quickly ran down the steps and outside. realizing i was only in a small dress, i regretted not bringing a sweater but didn't care. i got in the car and saw heidi, cartman, wendy, and stan. "uh hey guys." i said as i buckled in. "hey beautiful!" wendy said as she hugged me. "oh!" i said with a giggle.

"we're meeting up with the others at the party." heidi said. "party?" i said with wide eyes. "oh right.. it's not really dinner until taco bell at midnight." they all laughed and i began to get nervous. "wait so i don't actually have a blind date?" "he's not blind but he sure thinks you're cute." wendy said with a giggle. stan smiled and nodded "he told me, he usually never does." i nodded at stans words.

"so do i know him?" "yeah you met today." stan said. "oh.. wait how do you know who i met?" he shrugged and sat back "intuition i suppose." i smiled and looked out the window as we arrived at the house. "token has the biggest house dude, he throws the best parties." cartman said. "he sure does babe." heidi said and they kissed. i got out of the car and clutched my purse. i saw probably around 60 cars and tons of kids walking in. music was insanely loud and i could smell the alcohol from where i stood.

"come on!" wendy said. "let's go find your man!" i laughed with her as we walked inside. my mind wandered to who it could be. surely she wouldn't set me up with michael. i shook my head and she sat me down on a couch and handed me a cup. "drink this and wait here, i'll go find him." i nodded and sipped the drink. "okay wow" i said as i took another sip. the alcohol wasn't strong but was strong enough for me to taste it.

after a few minutes i stood up and the cup was half empty. though i wasn't feeling any sort of buzz, i was confused where wendy had gone. "oh there you are!" wendy said with a smile. i gave a confused look. "you sat me here?" "i know but i got caught up with stuff.. ready to see him?" i nodded and she grabbed my hand pulling me into the kitchen. stan was beside kyle and wendy pulled me up to them. "kyle, y/n, surprise!" she said excitedly. "wait he's my date?" i said with a smirk.

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