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y/n pov
"so what do you think about this one?" i asked henrietta as i held a black dress up. "it's cute. it's very your style." i smiled and nodded "i just think black dresses are pretty. what about you?" "i'm going with purple." i smiled and she smiled back "to match with pete's favorite shoes?" she nodded. "though you're not a couple, you make a good duo." i said rather quietly. "you should find a date!" she said a bit too full of energy. my eyes widened and i shrugged "i don't know about that."

she sighed and i decided on a dress. it was a floor length black dress that was tight. of course the goths and i had to be over the top for an event like this. i purchased it and we left. she drove me home to change and then took me to work. tomorrow was the dance and i took off so i had to work extra time. as we walked in, she immediately smirked at me "y/n can i have a black coffee?" she said as she batted her eyelashes at me. i rolled my eyes and nudged her.

"but of course princess henrietta." i said with a laugh. she sat down and i grabbed the coffee. i walked over to her and poured her a cup. the door opened and i looked over to see stan, kyle, and kenny walk in. i smiled and they took a seat. i walked up to them and asked what they wanted to eat. kyle looked nervous and stan looked, happy? i smiled knowing he was back to his regular self. "i'll just have a coffee." kyle said. i wrote it down and looked at stan "chicken tenders?" i giggled and nodded.

"i'll have a water, also, do you have a date to the dance?" kenny asked. my eyes widened and i stood in shock for a few seconds "me?" he nodded "no actually." "do you want to go with me? as friends." he said with a smile. i looked at kyle and he gave a small
nod. "yeah.. yeah sure." i said to kenny. he smiled and we fist bumped. "i'll pick you up tomorrow around 6." he said confidently. i nodded and went to put their order in. henrietta wanted another coffee so i walked over to her.

"so you and kenny?" "as friends!" "yeah okay missy. i thought you were head over heals for mi-" "shush!" i yelled out and she began laughing "yeah you are. just checking." i rolled my eyes and brought the boys their food. i wondered why cartman wasn't with them. he was pretty.. big? i'm sure he hadn't turned down the offer of lunch. i shrugged it off and continued working. for the rest of the day, i served random people and a few friends. heidi came in and complained about school, and also token and nicole came for their first date.

when my shift was done, it was 9pm and i had to walk home. i hugged tweek and waved as i walked out the door. on my walk home, it began snowing. i smiled and realized i could go to my spot. i quickened my pace and ran down the street, careful not to slip. i saw starks pond come into view and smiled extremely large. i ran up and sat on the bench. the relaxation hit me and i sighed. the snow quietly falling around me, the crunch of snow from small animals, the wind blowing in the trees.

everything was peaceful and amazing. i closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. i hummed the words to my favorite song and listened as cars drove by. the coolness from the snow sunk through my thin clothes and i started shivering. i felt unable to move. it was like my skin had melted to the snow. i opened my eyes and looked up at the moon. snowflakes fell around my face and my eyes watered. i sat up and sighed. deciding it was time to go home, i stood up and began the walk home. the snow was freezing but i would have to deal.

pete's pov
"so what you're going to the dance?" i said as i paced around my room. "i mean yeah, why?" michael said snarkily. i sighed "she's going with kenny dude." michael shrugged "okay? we're not dating. i cant stand her." i rolled my eyes "liar." "i'm not lying." "put it on cthulhu." i said quickly. he stayed silent and blinked a few times. "exactly." i mumbled. michael looked out my window and i sighed. "im trying to be what she needs but im not. it's obvious we have feelings for eachother but it would never work. we're too different."

michael sighed at my words and lit his cigarette. "what if im too different too." i shook my head "michael you're not. you're alike in the ways that matter. you love warmth and she loves cold. different but they work. we could never. no matter how much it hurts me." i said rather quietly. he looked at me and stood up. i looked up at him and he handed me his cigarette. i took a drag from it and handed it back. "she deserves someone who's gonna treat her right. i'll break her heart."

"michael i don't know why you say that." "because i just ghosted her for two weeks?" "you did that because you were jealous. you need to talk about your feelings with her and it'll all be alright." "what?" "i'm serious michael." i sighed and looked at the snow outside. i saw someone walking down the street and my eyes widened when i realized who.
"y/n is walking home in the snow. go be her knight in.. black armor." he nodded and left my room. my eyes watered as i watched him get into his car and pull up beside her.

michaels pov
"y/n is walking home in the snow. go be her knight in.. black armor." he said quietly. i nodded and left his room. i raced down the steps and got into my car. for a split second i questioned if this was what i should do. i then pulled out of the driveway and up beside her. she was freezing and soaking wet. i rolled the window down and we both stopped. her eyes were wide and filled with tears. without saying a word, she got in the car. our eyes were locked on eachother and for a minute we sat in silence.

i looked away and began driving. she was shivering so i turned the heat on. i reached to the vent and she touched my hand as she was going to do the same. we looked at eachother and she quickly looked away. "y/n you're freezing." she sighed and shrugged "i'm fine." she mumbled. i rolled my eyes and turned the vent to her. within minutes we got to her house. i pulled into the empty driveway and she looked at the large house. "thank you." she said quietly. i nodded and she looked at me before getting out.

y/n pov
i walked up to the doorstep and sighed. i turned around and michael was standing behind me. we looked into each others eyes and my heart started racing. he placed a hand on my cheek and i closed my eyes. "don't leave me again." i said quietly. "i won't." he said equally as soft. i looked up at him with wide eyes and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "i'll see you tomorrow." he said. i nodded and he smiled. i walked inside the house and watched him drive away from the window.

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