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y/n pov
cheer practice started as usual but today we were outside beside the football field. the fresh snow on the ground made everything cold and i was almost shivering. kyle waved to me and i smiled back at him. i turned around and saw michael sitting on the bleachers with pete. my eyes widened and i turned back around quickly. why are they here? why is michael here? then i was being brought over to be lifted in the air by heidi, wendy, and bebe. "1...2...3!" and i was being held by my ankle.

i looked to the field and saw kyle staring at me. stan was beside him and he waved to me. i waved to them and then i was brought down. "that was so good y/n! your balance is great." heidi said. "thanks girl." i smiled and we continued to practice. the remaining 45 minutes was spent trying to get red to perfect her split. mine wasn't quite perfect but i could manage. when practice was over, i was going to find somewhere to apply for a job. i walked out of the school and inhaled sharply. the cool air raging in my senses.

i walked through the parking lot and saw pete's car. a soft smile appeared on my face and i started walking again. i went to a nearby cafe and walked in. tweek was smiling behind the counter. "hey tweek, i saw the sign outside. can i apply for a job?" he nodded and handed me the sheet to fill out. i smiled and thanked him, then sat down in a booth in the back while i filled it out. he brought me a coffee and i smiled. "thanks." "of course." he was so quiet.

i began filling it out when i heard someone sit in the booth behind me. "do you think you'll miss her?" it was pete's voice. "no. she was just some toy." that was michael. my heart began to ache. "yeah but you cared about her." "as if. she was so annoying. preppy bitches like that always are." my eyes watered and i finished the sheet. i stood up and rushed to the counter. i handed tweek the paper and he smiled "i'll call you later and let you know." he said anxiously "okay thanks tweek." i smiled and turned around to see michael and pete staring at me.

my eyes were filled with tears and michaels eyes widened. i clutched my bag and quickly ran out of the cafe. tears streamed down my face as i quickly walked home. a car pulled up beside me and the window rolled down to reveal henrietta. "y/n?" she questioned. "oh hi henrietta." i said as i wiped my eyes. "need a ride? are you okay?" i nodded and she stopped. i got in and sighed "i heard michael say i was just.. a toy to him." "but you didn't have sex did you?" i shook my head.

"that's why i'm confused. he was so gentle and nice.. why would he want to do that?" "what exactly did he say?" "he said she was just some toy. and that she was an annoying preppy bitch." "did he say your name?" i shook my head "no." "oh y/n he wasn't talking about you." "what?" "he finally ended things with wendy for stans sake. wendy wanted to be with michael again but he didn't want her. she left stan and stan joined the goths again.." "he what?" she nodded "his name is raven now. you'll see."

"wait are we going to pick him up?" she nodded. we got to stans and he came out dressed in all black. seeing him as a goth was a change of paths completely. he was.. much more attractive. he got in the car and we began driving again. "st.. raven?" he looked up at me. "are you okay?" "just peachy." i gave him a sympathetic look and sighed "i'm sorry" i mouthed to him. then we got to firkles house. "are you good with coming to the park with us? we just wanted to smoke and stuff." "yeah totally" i smiled.

when we got to the park we sat on the swings and they smoked. i was simply happy to be with someone who cared about me. i closed my eyes and listened to the wind blow around me. there was the sound of snow crunching and i opened my eyes to see pete. he gave a half smile and i sighed. i stood up and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug that he hadn't expected. he held me and for a moment, everything felt okay. i didn't feel pain or hurt, i simply felt cared for. by pete.

pete's pov
i watched y/n stand up from the booth and my eyes went wide. "oh dude she heard that." i said quietly. "what?" "she probably thinks you were talking about her." we both looked at y/n as she turned around. her eyes were wide and filled with tears. my heart hurt in that moment and i watched her run out. "goddamnit." michael said. we stood up and i looked at him. "she's not gonna wanna see you." "i just need to know she's okay." he said quietly. i rolled my eyes and we got into my car.

henrietta mentioned the park so i drove just there. i saw them on the swings and looked over at michael. "you need to stay here. if she wants to see you then she'll say so. otherwise, stay. for her sake." he sighed and nodded "okay." he finally replied. i got out of the car and slowly walked up to the swing where y/n was. she looked up at me and i gave a half smile. she sighed and stood up, catching me off guard with a massive hug. i held her and closed my eyes.

for a brief moment, i felt connected to her. i felt how she felt and i knew what it was like. she was hurting inside from all of the shit people keep throwing at her. when she pulled away i sighed and she wiped her eyes "want to come over later? we can watch movies." i said with a little smirk. she nodded and i smiled. "okay good. how's 7 sound?" she nodded and i looked to henrietta who was staring at something. i turned around and saw my car was empty. michael was gone. she must have seen him leave.

around 6:45, i texted y/n to come over. she said she was on her way and i smiled. i had loads of snacks set up and i was ready to see her. she needed someone to be there for her and i would be that person. when the doorbell rang i went downstairs and quickly opened it. michael stood, giving me a glare. "you need to leave." i said quietly. "why? expecting someone are we?" "not we. no.. i'm not expecting anyone." michael walked in and my eyes widened "i.. why are you here."

"you invited y/n over, no?" "how did you.." "henrietta." we said at the same time. i sighed "she needs some time away and she thinks you said it about her. she doesn't want to see you." "that's not true. i know she does." "how?" he pulled his phone out and showed me their texts. my eyes widened. "michael you need to go." "why?" "because it's not fair. i was there for her and she wants you. i cant stand it." he stood back with wide eyes as the doorbell rang. "just go.. please." michael sighed "be good to her." he said. then i opened the door.

y/n stood, smiling at me. "hi pete" she said excitedly. "hi y/n." she gave me a hug and my eyes widened as i saw michael cross the street. she came inside and we went up to my room. we sat on my bed and talked for hours. occasionally we would go to the bathroom or have a snack, but it was amazing. "so you've never smoked?" she shook her head "i want to though." i smirked and held a stick out to her. she smiled and took it, lit it, and took a drag.

she began coughing and i smiled, rubbing her back. "it'll be rough at first but it gets easier each time." i said and she nodded. she took another drag and smiled at me. i smiled and took a drag. i blew the smoke in her face and she smirked. both of our faces grew red and i found myself leaning in. she was too. kiss her. her phone started ringing. my eyes widened as she clicked answer. "y/n.. stan dumped me!" wendy cried from the other end of the phone. "i thought you dumped him?" "doesn't matter.."

y/n looked confused "can.. can we hang out tomorrow?" i shrugged "if i'm free yeah totally." "okay.. don't make plans with kyle." she sniffled and laughed "i'm kidding. hey are you with someone?" my eyes widened "no why?" y/n replied quickly. "just wondering. why are you up anyways?" "i was.. about to text kyle!" "oh good idea. anyways, i'll let you go. goodnight girly." "night." she said as she hung up. "god she's annoying." i nodded "i agree completely. how's doing cheer with her? you always look like you want to end it all." "ugh because i do." we laughed.

she yawned and i followed. "we should get some sleep." i said to her. she nodded and laid back in the bed. i laid beside her and she rolled over onto my chest. my heart raced and i stroked her hair. her eyes shut and i looked at her features. her perfect nose, her eyelashes that naturally sparkled, her pink lips. everything about her was gorgeous. but this felt wrong. holding her felt wrong. i sighed and looked at the ceiling. "i'm sorry michael." i whispered as i held her closer to my body. then, we were asleep.

storm clouds - michael the goth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now