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y/n pov
i was with the three of them for the rest of the day and wendy and i decided she'd sleep over my house. i felt uneasy about going home but it was going to be fine. i'd explain to my parents i slept over wendy's the previous night and they'd be okay with it. even though it's a lie. it was 7:30 and the movie we'd put on was coming to an end. i was never really one for romantic comedies but wendy insisted on it. i was beside kyle on the couch and beside us were wendy and stan making out.

"they're so gross" kyle whispered to me. i giggled and nodded "i know, like hello? we're right here." our whispering tones hadn't yet caught the attention of the two teens and so we simply smiled at each other. "are you okay?" he asked. i nodded and he grabbed my hand "i just want to make sure you're comfortable." "with what?" "this.." he began to lean in and my eyes widened. my heart started racing. don't kiss him. i leaned in and our lips collided. his other hand made its way to my cheek and he deepened the kiss.

stop. i moved closer to him and we continued. the movie credits began and music played softly over them. then the lights clicked on and we pulled away. "soo how was the movie?" wendy asked from the light switch with a smirk on her face. my face became more red by the second and kyle looked like a tomato. "it.. it was great!" i payed no attention. "yeah i liked the one part.." kyle started "oh yeah me too that part was cool." wendy raised an eyebrow and laughed "you two are so cute."

"so tomorrow we have football practice and we kinda want the cheerleaders to practice beside us. how's that sound?" stan asked wendy. she blushed and nodded, giving him a soft kiss. i turned to kyle and he smiled at me "i guess i'll be seeing you again tomorrow?" "i guess so." i smiled at him and we stood up. wendy and i were going to have stan and kyle drive us home so we slid our shoes on and grabbed our stuff. we got in the car and he began driving. kyle and i held hands the entire ride.

"you have clothes wendy?" stan asked. "don't worry, i've got it all covered." she said confidently. kyle and i got out of the car and i looked up at him. he was pretty tall compared to me but still shorter than a lot of the guys. a blush arose to my face and he smirked. "i'll see you tomorrow morning y/n." "indeed you will kyle." and then he planted a soft kiss on my temple. "goodnight." "goodnight" i smiled. wendy and i then walked into my house and i closed the door behind us. "so this is my house."

the lights were all off so i turned them one by one as i walked through the rooms. "y/n are your parents home?" "no probably not why?" i asked as i walked into the kitchen where she was. "just wondering since the lights are off and stuff. are they usually not here?" i shrugged "my moms a nurse and my dad is a truck driver so no usually they're not." she nodded and i grabbed a drink from the fridge and handed her one. "so what do you wanna do?" "well.. your parents aren't home so we could call the boys.."

"that sounds fun but not smart.." "oh come on it'll be sooo chill." i smirked and shrugged "why not." i said and she gave an excited look. she walked into another room and i went up to my room. i looked out the window and sighed. the snow was coming down pretty heavily and i was excited to see it in the morning. then wendy walked in "they are on the way." she smirked. we both laughed and i put some tv on. i showed her to the guest room and she suggested the basement. "why?"

"more space, is yours set up with couches and stuff?" i nodded "yeah isnt everyone's?" "exactly." she said and she pulled me down. we stocked the mini fridge with snacks and brought other stuff down. blankets and pillows filled the room along with other random things. "we could build a fort!" i said as we both laughed "that's so cute yes!" she yelled. then the doorbell rang. "i'll get it" i said. i walked upstairs and opened the front door. pete was standing there, freezing his ass off. "pete what the fuck are you doing here?" "just let me in." i rolled my eyes and sighed.

"what do you want." i asked as i brought him to my room "what's got you in such a bitch mood?" "wendy's practically forcing me to date kyle." "so you are dating him?" his voice cracked a bit and i shook my head "no it's.. no. i don't like kyle. he's cute and he's sweet but he's not my.. type." i sighed and saw their car pull up. "and they're here now so how the fuck are you gonna get out." i said nervously. "i've got it. but listen i need to tell you something."

"wha- what?" he stepped closer to me and my eyes widened "don't let michael break your heart. trust wendy but live your own life." he said calmly. i gave a confused look and he opened my window "wait will i see you tomorrow?" "at cheer prin." i smiled and watched him hop out the window. i rolled my eyes and went downstairs where the three of them were impatiently waiting. "sorry i was in the bathroom." i cautiously lied and they believed me. "okay fort time!" wendy said, excitement lacing her voice. i laughed and we all went down to the basement.

"how about everyone makes their own and we have a contest?" stan suggested. "that sounds so fun yess!" i exclaimed. we then all raced and grabbed what we needed for our forts. after 20 minutes of building, we each finally had a small fort for ourselves. "wow kyle yours is super good!" wendy said. "thanks.." he said with a blush. weird. "okay well i'm super tired." i told the group." "yeah me too." wendy said. "i'm gonna lay down." kyle said. "okay i'll turn the lights off." i walked over to the switch and hit it. the only light was the dim moonlight.

i crept into my fort and unlocked my phone. i felt the urge to text someone but i didn't know who. though i had friends over, i felt completely alone. so i pulled up a contact and began to text him.

y/n: hey
stan: hi lol
y/n: i'm bored :p
stan: me too but wendy's sleeping.
y/n: kyle prob is too.
stan: wanna go make food & chat?
y/n: i would like nothing more:)

and with that i turned my phone off and crept up to the kitchen. stan was sitting at the table and smiled at me. "well hello mlady" "hello my good sir." i said with a laugh. "i'm kinda feeling eggs?" he said with a confused expression. "me too, what kind?" "deviled." "oh yes oh my god yes." we both laughed and grabbed the ingredients.

"so stan?" i asked as we stood beside eachother at the counter, working away. "yeah?" "how long have you and wendy been together?" "well all of elementary and middle school. then we broke up freshman year and she dated michael.. then we got back together and have been ever since." "don't you get.. tired of the same thing?"

"what do you mean?" "i mean sometimes you say her name and you're annoyed. sometimes you seem out of it and you want to just leave. maybe i'm wrong and it's not my business but being the it couple has to be draining; no?" "it is annoying sometimes. i don't want everyone to stare at me because i'm with her but they do. we're seemingly perfect. but we're not. she's been cheating on me for months and i just don't know who.. but i know she is. she texts some guy." "stan?" he hummed in response and looked at me. "michael." i said calmly.

"what?" "it's michael. wendy told me today. she told me not to tell you but i.. it feels wrong to let her do that." stan sighed and i pulled him into a hug. "thank you for being honest with me." he said quietly. "always." i said. the hug continued for a few minutes before i pulled away. "let me go grab my phone." i said and smiled. then i quietly walked down the steps and grabbed my phone. wendy and kyle were both sleeping and i smiled. then i noticed i had a text from michael.

michael: hi.
y/n: michael i'm sorry please talk to me.

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