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y/n pov
if looks could kill, clyde would be on the ground dead. "clyde donavan." i said softly. his eyes widened and he stepped back. his arm was in a cast and his eye was bruised badly. his lip was busted and he had a cut on his forehead. i stepped closer and he backed up more. "what the hell happened to y/n" bebe said. instead of being snarky i didn't look away from clyde. i walked closer until he backed against a locker and i was face to face with him.

his breathing was heavy. my eyes were wide and i was inches away from him. people crowded around us and suddenly the rush of energy was gone. i wasn't this badass who came to kill clyde. i was a short girl who was on cheer and got assaulted at a party. i no longer felt strong. i felt scared. he could do it again at any moment. instead of showing it i blinked the thoughts away. the hall was silent and phones were filming the moment. "do you want to tell them what you did, or should i?"

"what are you talking about.." he tried to lie but i saw straight through it. "clyde donavan assaulted me last night. someone drugged my drink and when i was on the couch he grabbed me to dance. i didn't know who he was. he touched me and i said no, he kept going until michael stepped in. clyde donavan assaults women and has no regrets about it." everyone gasped and i looked to see nicole, silently crying. my eyes widened and i looked in front of me. my hand was on clydes shirt collar and i was forcing him against the locker.

i slammed his head against the locker and my eyes watered. "you're the biggest piece of shit this school has to offer. i'm sure you've done it before but this is the last fucking time." i let go and he fell to the ground. i stepped back and michael pulled me into a hug. nicole started screaming at him and everything became a messy blur filled with tears and loudness. the girls were trying to get nicole off of him, she was beating him senselessly. and other girls were trying to talk to me but i was just gone.. away from reality.

in a matter of seconds i was back and i sharply inhaled. michael looked down at me and i blinked away the tears. "y/n?" "are you okay?" "where did you go?" "are you and michael dating?" "what about kyle?" "y/n?" i felt the crowd around me grow and suddenly michael was gone from my grip. i blinked and i was in the bathroom with the girls. wendy was holding my shoulders with wide eyes and nicole was crying with bebe hugging her. "y/n?" "wendy" "oh my god are you okay?" i nodded "yeah why?"

"what do you mean why? clyde assaulted you and you're dressed all.. all goth! and then you were all touchy with michael when i set you up with kyle! do you know how worried he was? we were so scared for you." i nodded "yeah i know i'm sorry" "don't be sorry just.." she sighed "i'm sorry we left you alone." "don't blame yourself, blame clyde." she hugged me and i looked at nicole who was hysterical. girls were coming in and out of the bathroom. some crying, some with messages from the boys. "what happened with the goths last night?" wendy asked.

"they took care of me. they're not bad people. they aren't weird! wendy they care.. they're different and i like it." she sighed "i need to tell you something." i nodded and she walked into a stall with me. "i used to date.. michael." "what?" she nodded "what are you talking about." "when stan and i broke up i turned to michael for advice on how to get him out of their group and things started from there. he charmed his way into my life and i couldn't get away. when stan came back to me i left michael for him. but i.. i cheated on stan with him for a while."

"does stan know?" she shook her head and my eyes widened. "wendy i-" "please don't tell anyone. y/n i know how they are. i trusted them with my life. they are good. just.. michael will tear you apart." "what do you mean.." "he will break your heart. that's why i wanted to set you up with kyle. he's a good guy. i know he is. please trust me." my eyes watered and i opened my mouth to speak. "don't answer now.. think about it. text me later." she hugged me and we left the stall.

i walked out of the bathroom and turned to my left. kyle was standing beside stan looking nervous as ever. i looked at wendy who was next to me. she looked at me and then began to walk to stan. i followed suit and walked up to kyle. "hi.." he spoke softly "hey." "how.. how do you feel?" kyle asked. "i feel good. you?" he shrugged and gave a half smile. "i've been better. so uh.. i wanted to ask you something.." i hummed in response. "i was wondering if you wanted to come over my house?"

i looked past him and saw michael glaring at us. i looked to wendy and stan who smiled at me. say no. "yeah absolutely kyle. i'd love to." i smiled and he gave a huge smile. wendy grabbed my hand and squeezed. "i knew you'd make the right choice." she whispered to me. i smiled at her and nodded "we should all hang out at stans tonight!" wendy suggested. "yeah that sounds cool." i said. i looked back to where michael was and he was gone. none of the goths were there actually.

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