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michaels pov
i sat in petes car with the other goths for a few minutes before we decided to go in. "i cant believe we're doing this." i said as we opened the door. "y/n might be here. i want to talk to her again." "god you're such a conformist." henrietta said to pete as she walked off to a table with firkle. he was a few years younger but he loved parties so we always took him to make him happy. this time, not just firkle wanted to come though. that's the problem.

i saw y/n on the couch and smirked. she was alone. why is she alone? she's pretty, i'm sure she could find a date with one of the popular pricks. i grabbed a drink from the table and downed it. "that was fast." henrietta said to me as she sipped her own. "im sure you've seen faster." i rolled my eyes towards her and she smiled "watch it kitty, i'll tell pete you're in a mood and he'll leave your ass again." we laughed and i nudged her "can it. there's his little girlfriend." saying she was petes girlfriend hurt. why?

"oh stop they'd be cute." i hummed and sipped from another cup. "yeah i'm sure they'd live in some cookie cutter house and have three bastard kids while she takes care of them and he works 9-5." "what's got you so worked up?" she asked with care lacing her tones of voice. "nothing i- i'm just annoyed." "it's her isnt it." "excuse me?" i looked at her and she sighed "you've never acted like this, you show your emotions when you want and hide the others well, but not this one." "which one?" i asked nervously. "attraction."

y/n pov
"wait he's my date?" i said with a smirk. "he is indeed" kyle said with a smile. cute. "well we will leave you two to talk; if you need me call." wendy said as she pulled stan into another room. "what's up?" i asked kyle as i sat down on a barstool beside him. "well i was confused at first but i'm glad it's you who ended up being my date." "me too." i smiled and finished my second drink. "need another?" "yeah actually that would be cool." he smiled "okay be right back." he grabbed my drink and left the room.

"broflovski huh?" i heard from behind me. i turned and saw michael with a smirk on his face. "oh.. yeah uh blind date. wendy's idea." "mhm. he's not as bad as the other pricks." "what?" "i mean he's alright. you could do better but who am i to say." "so you randomly text me, then show up to the party i'm at without announcement and judge my date?" "i mean, yeah pretty much." my face heated up and i stood up. i looked up at him and he raised an eyebrow. "yes?" "you- you.." he smirked.

suddenly i felt his lips against my own, for a brief moment, i knew what bliss was. my first kiss was with this goth asshole and it was absolutely perfect. when he pulled away my world had stopped. the feeling in my stomach was strong and i knew i wanted more, but i knew it wasn't right. not the right time nor place. i stepped back and he leaned against the counter behind him. "i- i-" he smirked again and looked to the door. kyle was walking in with two cups and he was texting someone. he hadn't seen.

i sighed in relief and looked back to michael, but he was gone. i sat back down and kyle put the cups down and his phone away. "sorry my brother was texting me." he said nervously "aw how cute." i smiled and sipped the drink. it tasted funny. "do you have any siblings?" i shook my head "nope, just me." he nodded and took a sip from his cup. "you're really gorgeous by the way.." he said. i blushed and put a hand on his "you're cute. i like how nervous you get so easily, it's really cute." he blushed.

"thanks.. thank you" he nervously laughed and i smiled "of course." i took another sip and my tongue felt weird. the flavor was off. maybe it's a different drink? i shrugged it off and finished the drink. "wait what was that?" i asked but kyle didn't respond. "want to go dance?" i nodded, forgetting what i'd just asked and he smirked, pulling me by the waist to the living room. i wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hand on my hip, in his other hand was a cup. "want another drink?" he asked and i nodded.

i downed the drink and the music became louder. i felt myself being set down on the couch. "i'll be right back with water" kyle said before he rushed away. then i felt someone's hand on my leg. i looked up and saw the blur of a face. "want to dance?" i nodded and smiled. the blur smirked and pulled me up and into the middle of the dance floor. their hands traveled my body and i tried to push them away. "s..stop i don't like that." "yes you do.." they whispered. my vision became spotty, then, black.

henriettas pov
i watched her grab onto him as she looked like she was blacking out. "should we help her?" firkle asked. i shook my head "he seems to be holding her up. did you hear what she was saying?" firkle shook his head and i groaned. "great." i looked around and saw pete on the stairs, drinking away his troubles. i also saw michael, angrily staring him down. i watched as michael made his way to them and tapped his shoulder. as he turned to face michael, she fell to the ground.

my eyes widened and people backed away. i ran up and grabbed her; pushing many people so i could reach her. then the first punch was thrown. michael bruised his eye, you'd be able to tell tomorrow there had been a mark. then michael was hit. back and fourth they threw punches, violently, over the girl i was now handing over to pete. "take her to your house.. i should have stopped it earlier." "what happened?" "more like what's happening." firkle said as he pointed to michael, pinning him down.

"don't you ever fucking touch her again do you hear me?" michael screamed in his face. "i.. i won't i.." michael then spit in his face and stood up. he wiped his bloody nose and we made eye contact. everyone was silent. i motioned to the door and he nodded. we quickly exited the house and got in the car. "what the fuck happened." pete said as he held her head in his lap. "i.. he was touching her." michael said as i began to drive. firkle sat in the passengers seat and michael and pete held her in the back.

"she said stop and he wouldn't. she said no." michael said. "he assaulted her?" pete asked. michael nodded and my eyes widened "she probably doesn't even remember." i added "probably not.. she needs to sleep it off and get cleaned up. who's house are we going to?" firkle asked. "mine" pete said. i nodded and began to drive in the direction of pete's house. our hearts were racing and i was nervous of what would come tomorrow at school.

nobody's pov
back at the party, wendy was frantically looking for y/n. she hadn't seen the fight but had only heard about it. she walked into the kitchen and saw stan holding ice over another boys eye. since wendy had been drinking, she couldn't recognize who he was. "stan we need to go." wendy said. he nodded and got up. kyle followed and gave wendy an apologetic look. "i don't know what happened.. i sat her down and then she was gone after the fight.." "it's not your fault kyle." wendy said with sympathetic eyes. kyle smiled and she gave him a hug. stan rolled his eyes as he walked outside and got in his car. then kyle and wendy followed, getting into the back.

tomorrow, would be literal hell on earth for whoever brought it up first. cthulhu only knew who would be the unlucky soul to speak of her becoming an assault victim.

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